If it’s so hip, edgy, cool and progressive for some to hate all those evil corporations out there then why all of a sudden is it so hip, edgy, cool and progressive to love the Nike corporation? In fact, shouldn’t every good, blue-blooded, anti-corporate Democratic Socialist actually have a special loathing for a multi-national corporation like Nike which has been caught using sweatshop labor and exploiting children to manufacture their products?
But no, Nike is now somehow heroic and righteous because their new highly paid spokesman is a rich ex-NFL player who knelt during the national anthem and dislikes Trump. How does that work?
For some, however, Nike appears to be the single exception, because all other corporations continue to be evil. Even right here in Great Falls it’s surprising how much I hear and read local progressives assuredly proclaiming that corporations are at the root of all of our problems – even while those same folks continue buying, using and consuming corporate goods and services like gluttons.
Even right here in Great Falls it’s surprising how much I hear and read local progressives assuredly proclaiming that corporations are at the root of all of our problems – even while those same folks continue buying, using and consuming corporate goods and services like gluttons.
So, in the spirit of good fun here’s something I wrote for someone or something-or-other a few years ago which is still apropos:
“Corporations are rich, evil, greedy, controlling entities that do no good and are destroying our country. I hate them.” opined the under-informed citizen on Facebook/Twitter (corporations) by way of his Apple/Microsoft (corporation) laptop while sipping his Starbucks (corporation) latte then getting in his Subaru (foreign corporation), filling up at BP (foreign corporation), driving while listening to his Sony (foreign corporation) mp3 player to EMI (foreign corporation) artist Paul McCartney on the road (paid for in part by corporate taxes) to his job at Green Energy Corporation.
Then for lunch picking up some McDonalds (corporation) and checking his DAD (corporation) stock and US Bank (corporation) savings accounts before going home to his house built with Building Materials Corporation of America products and financed by Home Mortgage Corporation, popping a Sony (foreign corporation) DVD into his Hitachi (foreign corporation) DVD player to watch Kung Fu Panda (DreamWorks Corporation) on his RCA (corporation) flat screen before opening his Westinghouse (corporation) refrigerator for some Ben & Jerry’s (corporation).
After brushing his teeth (Colgate Palmolive Corporation) and watching Colbert on CBS (corporation) he closes his eyes and thinks “yeah , I sure hate those useless corporations” before drifting off to sleep on his Sealy (corporation) mattress.