I expect Great Falls residents and business owners will experience a little sticker shock when they see their local property tax bill next month.
After intentionally deceiving the public by not including the individual tax impact data on the ballot, our city commission voted for final approval for Great Falls Park District One. It amounts to mucho millions of dollars which we’ll be paying for in sharp property tax increases for a long, long time.
Yet your city commission still closed the Morony Natatorium, our only remaining indoor public swimming pool.
If you need a little refresher on the dishonesty and intentional deception surrounding the Park District One ballot scam issue the facts are available below.
Sleight Of Hand?: Something Stinks In Great Falls Park District Number One
Also, as I understand it, the final one-third for the $98 million school bond tax increase will be on your October, 2018 tax bill. So, if you take the increase amount on the school district tax portion of your previous statement, divide by two and add to that already billed amount, you can estimate the additional tax you’ll be billed for starting next month.
And on a side note, the school district should have updated enrollment numbers in October for this school year. It will be interesting to see whether those numbers are also going up, like our property taxes.