The further we allow our country to drift towards the far left, the more apparent the hypocrisy of the American Neo Socialist movement becomes as it relates to basic economic realities.
Even right here in Great Falls it’s surprising how many times I hear and read local progressives implying, or just coming right out and saying, that corporations are at the root of all of our problems – even while those same folks continue buying, using, and consuming corporate goods and services 24/7/365.
“Corporations are rich, evil, greedy, controlling entities that are destroying our country. We should boycott all of them…”, they say – on Facebook or Twitter (corporations) from an Apple or Microsoft (corporations) computer while sipping a Starbucks (corporation) latte.
Then getting in a Subaru (foreign corporation), filling up at Town Pump (corporation), driving down a street (paid for in part by corporate taxes) while listening to EMI (foreign corporation) artist Paul McCartney on a Sony (foreign corporation) mp3 player, on their way to a job at Green Energy Corporation.
Then for lunch picking up some McDonalds (corporation) and checking their DAD (corporation) stock and US Bank (corporation) savings accounts before going home to a house built with Building Materials Corporation of America products and financed by Home Mortgage Corporation, popping a DVD into a Hitachi (foreign corporation) DVD player to watch Kung Fu Panda (DreamWorks Corporation) on an RCA (corporation) flat screen and opening a Westinghouse (corporation) refrigerator for some Ben & Jerry’s (corporation) ice cream.
Then after brushing their teeth (Colgate Palmolive Corporation) and watching a late show on CBS (corporation) they close their eyes and think, “Yeah, I sure hate those useless corporations…” before drifting off to sleep on a Sealy (corporation) mattress.
It’s reasonable to be frustrated and upset that corporations have power in this country and still consume products. I don’t know how many people you know who can afford to live “off grid of consumerism” making their own mattresses by assembling foraged materials, or who can afford to not shop at a supermarket or grocery store. It’s unrealistic, isn’t it, to say that in order to make a complaint about billion dollar companies, you must be free of ever consuming a Big Mac?
It reminds me of when people complain and criticize things happening in Great Falls to receive replies from others “if you don’t like it, leave.” It doesn’t make much sense.