The City of Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission will take up a conditional use permit request by the First United Methodist Church in downtown Great Falls to operate an Emergency Shelter on its property.
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 at 3:00 PM in the commission chambers at the Civic Center. The public is encouraged to attend and comment.
City Staff Recommends Denial of CUP
The conditional use permit application submitted by the FUMC includes plans for outdoor shelter with up 20 tents in the parking lot, which currently contains a number of tents as well as several camper vehicles.
Here is the drawing of the proposed Emergency Shelter tent encampment land use. The drawing was a part of the FUMC conditional use permit application.

The Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission will vote to either approve or deny the permit. The request and board recommendation could then be considered by the Great Falls City Commission at a later date.
The agenda packet contains a information as to why City staff has recommended denial of the CUP. You can find the agenda packet here.