At Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission the members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls.
The Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission is comprised of Great Falls citizens who volunteer their time and effort to help navigate and advise on land use issues within city limits.
Yesterday’s meeting was well attended by the public with lot’s of comment coming from folks on both sides of the issue.
Several local business owners and residents in the FUMC neighborhood spoke up. You can view the video of the 3 hour plus meeting here.
The conditional use permit request will now go to the Great Falls City Commission for a final decision sometime in July, either at the regularly scheduled 7/19 meeting or at a special meeting scheduled for a different July date.
Regardless of ones position on this specific issue, it’s encouraging to see so many Great Falls citizens fully engaged in their local government. This is how it’s supposed to work.