Little Free Library Is A Whole Lot Of Cool
Have you seen the little wooden houses on posts in front yards around town? They look kind of like bird houses with a glass door on the front.
Those are Little Free Library boxes most likely. What is a Little Free Library?
“Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that
inspires a love of reading, builds community, and
sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book
exchanges around the world.”
I’ve got one in my neighborhood which my wife and I have used a few times to exchange books as we go on our daily walk. The other day I stopped by the house where the Little Free Library box sits to tell the folks who live there just how awesome it is that they installed a box.
It’s at the home of a local couple who for a long time have been deeply involved in the Great Falls community, Brad Talcott and Linda Caricaburu. I asked if I could take a picture and as you can see, that little library is as cool as the other side of pillow.
Ms. Caricaburu told me that she hopes the library box will encourage more children’s and young teen books to be exchanged on a regular basis.
I agree. I think we could probably all benefit from a lot more reading and a little less TV and video games. So keep your eyes peeled for the Little Free Library boxes in Great Falls.
And check out their website which includes plans to build your own box, and a whole lot more.