Local control isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a fundamental American value. It’s in the U.S. and Montana Constitutions. It’s in both the Republican and Democratic party platforms. And if campaign promises were legally binding, most of our legislators would be legally required to defend it.
Yet, here we are. Some of those same folks who once swore they’d fight for local control are now considering laws that do the exact opposite—shifting decision-making away from cities and counties and into the hands of state government. Apparently, the same people who don’t trust the federal government to run their lives suddenly believe a bunch of politicians in Helena know what’s best for your neighborhood.
Even more baffling, many of these bills are being championed by conservative Republicans. Last time I checked, conservatism was about keeping the government small and decisions local. Since when did “Big Government Knows Best” become a conservative slogan? Did I miss the memo? And while we’re at it, when did defunding public safety become a priority for the party that prides itself on law and order?
Look, I served four terms, beginning on 1999, as a Republican legislator from Great Falls at a time when nearly every other seat in our area was held by a Democrat. I didn’t win by abandoning conservative values—I won by standing up for them. I believed then, and still do now, that decisions are best made by those closest to the people. That’s not a radical idea; that’s just good judgment.
I have deep respect for the men and women who serve in our state legislature. Their sacrifice, their service, and their four-month deployment to Helena demand appreciation. It’s not an easy job, and I know firsthand the challenges they face. But that’s exactly why it’s so important they stay true to the principles they ran on—principles that put power in the hands of local communities, not distant bureaucracies.
It’s not too late to turn this around. If you believe in real conservative principles, speak up. Tell your legislators to remember who put them in office—and what they promised to defend. Because if we keep going down this road, the only thing left to “locally control” will be our eye-rolls every time another law comes down from on high.
Author – Joe McKenney is a Navy veteran, entrepreneur, and Inc. 500 award winner. He served four terms representing Great Falls in the Montana House of Representatives (R) and currently serves on the Great Falls City Commission.