Heads up, Great Falls, Halloween is this coming Monday.
‘Candy’ that looks like Skittles or Sweet Tarts could actually contain fentanyl.
If you think this poison, or other harmful stuff, could never get into YOUR kids’ trick or treat candy you’re whistling past the graveyard.
At our 10/18/22 regular meeting the Great Falls City Commission received a report from the local High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas task force that we have had 15 fatal fentanyl overdoses so far this year in Great Falls/Cascade County.
Be Smart. Be Safe.
- Make sure a responsible adult accompanies your children when they go trick or treating.
- Check and double check ALL treats before consuming.
- Throw out any treats not in original, sealed packaging.
Halloween is supposed to be fun-scary, not real-scary. But we live in a world and a time when real evil exists – like people who make and export candy colored fentanyl into our neighborhoods.
So please, please be extra careful this Halloween.