As part of E-City Beat’s continuing effort to help our readers make informed decisions as voters, last month we sent questionnaires to all local legislative candidates in the upcoming general election informing them that we would publish their responses without editorial comment.
Here are the four questions we asked:
- What do you see as the top two issues facing Montana and Cascade County in the next 5 years and why are you the best candidate for the district you’re running in to tackle those issues?
- Identify at least one issue you see as an opportunity to work across party lines on and describe how you will do that to accomplish what’s best for your constituents.
- Why is Cascade County/Great Falls so far behind other Montana cities and counties in growth and economic development and what do you plan to do about it as a legislator?
- Do you think we need some form of a sales tax or other solution in Montana to help offset property taxes and why or why not?
Democrat Lynelle Melton and Republican Wendy McKamey are the candidates in House District 19. Melton did not respond to our request.
The top two issues facing Montana and Cascade County in the next five years are the budget and funding. The battered budget our current governor has left us will be a huge challenge. Using tax dollars is necessary in the operation of the state, but it is not a blank check. Our number one priority next session will be state spending.
As co-owner and operator of a business in production agriculture for over 40 years, I have the skills and experience to evaluate finances with the goal to sustain and prosper, build reserves and establish practices for the long haul. It is important you know I bring no agenda other than helping you, our citizens be safe and able to prosper when I consider any legislation.
It is from a sense of duty to serve to my community, my state and my country I seek to continue working for you and this great State of Montana in the People’s House of Representatives.
Working for the good of my constituents as well as all Montana is my goal. No one ideology has a corner on the market of good ideas. It is important to listen and evaluate every proposal presented.
The work of continuing what we have accomplished in both securing our voting franchise and making the process as secure, efficient, transparent and accessible as possible will be one area I will be working on with the House as a whole. My constituents and my colleagues in the House know I respect them and I care about what they have to say. It is my pledge to continue to do so.
We all normally resist stepping out of our comfort zone. At times we avoid the risk of taking the unknown path over the familiar one. The pace of Great Falls growth is slower than some other cities for probably several reasons and I have possibly hit upon one. It is perhaps the biggest, too as I have heard in conversation how people “don’t want Great Falls to change.”
To say change is inevitable is stating the obvious, but I am of the mind-set we either affect change or it affects us. It is better to be pro-active, plan and implement a change than to have to deal with it on a random basis.
As a Legislator, I will support processes and policies that foster growth and do not present stumbling blocks to either citizenry or entities as they seek to progress and grow.
As a Legislator, I will support processes and policies that foster growth and do not present stumbling blocks to either citizenry or entities as they seek to progress and grow.
No one wants to pay more tax. Consequently, before we have a discussion of “should or shouldn’t have a sales tax?”, we need to closely examine where we can bring tax relief. In the 2017 session a bill eliminating all property tax for a 2% state-wide sales tax excluding necessities and providing a five-week tax holiday was proposed and failed. We will give thorough consideration to each and every idea. To unilaterally be for or against any proposition at this point is premature as the bill language has not been written and we need to read the proposal to try to understand the consequences for ourselves and for future generations. To do otherwise would be irresponsible.