Great Falls Candidates: Sandor Hopkins For HD23

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Great Falls/Cascade County HD23 are Republican Eric Tilleman and Democrat Sandor Hopkins. Tilleman did not respond to our request for a candidate profile.

Who I am: I grew up in an Air Force family, yet have lived most of my life in Great Falls. I graduated from CMR High School in 2005 and Montana State University – Bozeman in 2013 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, and a focus on International Relations. I currently live with my wife on the lower south side of Great Falls, and enjoy spending time in my community and on our public lands.

What I do: I am a project manager for a land surveying company that does business across Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. I have been a Certified Floodplain Manager since 2018, a Trustee for the Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center since 2020, and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners since June of 2023. I have worked on both the public and private side of land-use planning, and understand the challenges and limitations faced by landowners and renters seeking affordable housing.

Why I am running: Foremost, I believe that Montanans in Great Falls and across the state are feeling the strain of an inadequate housing supply and soaring costs of living, impacting every aspect of daily life. I was privileged to be a part of a working group that drafted Senate Bill 382, known as the Montana Land Use Planning Act, which was approved with broad bi-partisan support and signed by Governor Gianforte on May 17, 2023. I want to ensure that this Act becomes a reality and improves the lives of everyone who chooses to live in our great State.

I also would like to work towards limiting government involvement in private medical decisions between healthcare professionals and their patients, advocating for the conservation of our public lands, striving towards energy sustainability and independence, and investing in our future through a robust educational system, and quality of life through adequate mental and physical health care. My goal as a Representative is to improve Montanans’ quality of life, not just in Great Falls, but across our beautiful State.

What I plan to do: Ensuring quality affordable housing at all income brackets is a good first step to lowering the overall impacts of cost of living in Montana, but that is only one piece of the puzzle. Our City and County governments are required to work within tight budget constraints, while the State of Montana maintains a substantial budget surplus. It is the Legislature’s responsibility to invest these funds back into services and programs that benefit ordinary people, and the source of this revenue restructured in a way that lessens the burden on renters and residential property owners. Some of the services I would advocate for include mental and behavioral health services, child care services, funding for public schools, and healthcare access in underserved communities, and resources for those who provide these services. I am running a campaign based on optimism that prioritizes people over party politics, divise rhetoric, and meaningless culture wars. I look forward to serving all citizens of House District 23

Great Falls Candidates: Jane Weber For HD19

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Great Falls/Cascade County HD19 are Republican Hannah Trebas and Democrat Jane Weber. Trebas did not respond to our request for a candidate profile.

Jane Weber
Candidate for House District 19

I have lived in HD 19 for over 35 years. Like most people, I want our grandchildren to grow up in a safe, beautiful Montana with boundless opportunities for a better life. That’s why I am running for Legislative House District 19, so I can be a voice in our kids’ future.

I was a Cascade County Commissioner for ten years, so I know the cost to provide the needed services to taxpayers.  I enjoyed working with county residents, Department Heads, other county elected officials, and city officials developing policy. 

Prior to the county commission, I worked with the Forest Service in a variety of hands-on positions. I became the Public Information Officer and worked with the Great Falls community to build the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center which I managed for ten years. I learned the importance of community engagement, volunteer contributions, budgeting, and business management.

At a minimum, the legislature needs to address these three issues:  

Prosperity and Equity.  Montanans deserve opportunities to prosper. Hard work, grit and determination only gets you so far in these economic times. Laws passed in 2023 did not help working Montanans. Instead of long-term solutions to fund the services we need, the legislature passed short-term fixes that benefited wealthy corporate interests. The legislature did not spread the expense of government equitably. Legislators did not adjust tax formulas that had been successfully used before to stabilize homeowner property taxes; instead homeowners shouldered a disproportionate share of the tax burden while tax breaks for out-of-state corporate interests cost Montana millions in tax income.

Public Education. Our kids went to public schools. When everyone has a good education, everyone benefits. Public education is the great equalizer upon which our nation was built. State government should be a partner with parents, educators, and local school boards in making sure that all kids have safe schools where they can find their strengths and learn skills for a prosperous future. The state should do their part to fund our schools, but the school funding formula for public education is not keeping up with inflation. Montana’s schools are having a difficult time recruiting and retaining quality educators who can give the individualized attention each child needs. Teachers deserve competitive wages and opportunities for advancement, just like the rest of us. 

Healthcare Access.  When people are sick, they should be able to go to the doctor. Getting health care when it is needed can be a matter of life and death, and is also critical to keeping costs low for insurance companies, the state, and Montanans. When an employer can only provide insurance with high premiums, high deductibles, and co-pays, one emergency room visit can derail a family’s path out of poverty. Over 90% of Montanans with Medicaid Expansion coverage are working people who can seek medical care early and continue to work to support their families. Medicaid Expansion keeps our rural hospitals and nursing homes viable. Renewing this program is the fiscally responsible decision.

Local Candidates: Cascade County Commission

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Cascade County Commission are Republican Eric Hinebauch and Democrat Don Ryan. Ryan did not respond to our request for a candidate profile. Republican Rae Grulkowski has filed as a write-in candidate.

I am 5th generation Montanan, that grew up on the Hi-Line near Chinook, MT. My family continues to operate the farm I grew up on. After graduating from the University of Great Falls, I ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing my own business, in 2011. As the owner of an insurance agency, with multiple employees, I am deeply rooted in our community. My vision is to help create a supportive environment in Cascade County, one that nurtures small businesses, fosters a prosperous economy, values a safe environment, and promotes sensible growth. At the age of 38, I bring a unique perspective. I strive to ensure that when my business journey concludes, Cascade County remains an affordable and thriving place to call home.

I believe in active community involvement. I love to support the people and organizations working to make a difference in Cascade County. Wrestling has always been a big part of my life and had the privilege of serving as the CMR Assistant Wrestling Coach and Great Falls Central Catholic Head Wrestling Coach spanning a decade.  I have proudly served on several community boards in the past including the Heisey Youth Center Board, Saint Ann’s Parish Council, GF Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee and Great Falls Development Alliance. I continue to be involved as a Rotary Club member and serving on the Benefis Foundation board and as University of Providence Trustee.

I served as a Great Falls’ City Commissioner and dedicated that time to effecting positive change. I helped clear encampments in downtown areas. I advocated for diversity of viewpoints on various city boards, ensuring fresh perspectives were represented.

Public safety has always been a top priority and I’ve actively sought ways to support our safety services, even when faced with budget constraints.

I collaborated with the City’s planning and development department to simplify processes, fostering a culture of exemplary customer service.

Yet, the challenges facing Cascade County transcend city boundaries. It’s imperative that we rebuild trust in our county government. Effective communication is key, ensuring that citizens are well-informed and involved in decision-making processes. Operations within the county commission office are in disarray, necessitating improved methods for daily decision-making are a priority. As our county experiences growth, meticulous planning is essential, not only from a developmental standpoint but also concerning public safety.

Amidst the turmoil in the Elections Office, it is essential we move forward. It’s incumbent upon the county commission to ensure that Terry Thompson receives the necessary support and training for success. Decisions have been made, and despite personal reservations, we must forge ahead, endeavoring to regain the trust of voters.

Why choose me? The relationship between the city and county has been strained for years. However, my rapport with Mayor Reeves presents an opportunity to mend this division, fostering collaboration for the betterment of our community. Unlike many newly elected officials, I am prepared from day one. I possess a comprehensive understanding of budget intricacies and municipal governance responsibilities. My approach is proactive and resolute, with a singular focus on realizing Cascade County’s full potential.

Cascade County must prepare now, with sensible growth planning, so when the anticipated population boom from Malmstrom’s missile upgrade comes, we are ready. We have many opportunities in the agri-processing sector, but we need leaders who will ensure our land and waterways are protected, while we maintain our Montana ways.

I’ve got the energy and tenacity to work hard every day to help lead Cascade County through the coming opportunities. If you’re ready for fresh leadership, I’d appreciate your support.

Eric Hinebauch


Hello Cascade County!

I am Rae Grulkowski, your Cascade County Commissioner and I am running again in November as a write-in candidate.  My husband and I own a multi-generational business in Great Falls, we own residential rental properties and we make our home south and east of Stockett.  Therefore, my representation on the Commission always carries thoughts for the influences of government on our rural constituents.  I am an advocate for bottom-up leadership.  That means encouraging citizens to speak up and be heard.  I take a very conservative position regarding taxpayer funds.  I support safe communities and effective emergency response.  Adhering to and enforcing policies and laws puts me on firm ground and ensures all employees and staff are dealt with fairly and equitably.

My first two years in this office were spent battling to have transparent Commissioner meetings and refocusing Commissioner decision-making as a Board, rather than as individual Commissioners.  Business owners and citizens have laws and rules they are expected to follow, the Board of Commissioners are also accountable to follow laws and rules. 

Not being one to “go along to get along”, in my tenure, there have been many 2-1 votes.  Do you know what the difference is between a 2-1 vote vs. a 3-0 vote?  The representation.  Something I take seriously.

The County Commissioner is the highest governing official in the County.  Only the citizen is a higher authority than a County Commissioner.  I encourage you to consider your candidates thoroughly in this election.  With 3 candidates for County Commissioner who have all been Public Servants in the past, you have an excellent opportunity to view their prior accomplishments.  Do not vote for a political party.  Vote for the candidate who will be honest in their commitment to be your Public Servant.  There is freedom in your vote, Cascade County!  Make your vote count on November 5.

Please learn more at 

Great Falls Candidates: James Rickley For HD25

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Great Falls/Cascade County HD25 are Republican Steve Gist and Democrat James Rickley. Gist did not respond to our request for a candidate profile.

James Rickley
Composer | Musician | Producer
Educator | Teacher | Principal
Superintendent | Leader
Consensus Builder

Montana House Of Representatives District 25
Cascade County
District 25 for 22 Communities
Adel • Airport • Ashuelot • Cascade
Cascade Colony • Castner Falls • Eden
Emerson Junction • Fair Haven Colony • Fort Shaw
Gordon • Great Falls West • Hardy • Manchester
Riverdale • St. Peter • Simms • Sun Prairie
Sun River • Truly • Ulm • Vaughn

Montana is the ideal environment to nurture any creative spirit and expression. I was brought to this state as an educator for a district that contained parts of the Fort Peck reservation. I discovered that this state is a small town with just long distances. It is complete in a way that offers the stimulation in abundance above any locale in the country. Its citizens have shown an acceptance of divergent thoughts with open ears and minds.

 I have flourished as an artist here in Cascade County with encouragement from all I’ve met in this treasured state. I am able to experience activities, events, and entertainments that are always challenging. This makes for an exciting and stimulating world like none other I’ve experienced. I’ve been able to utilize my training in all types of community environments – urban to frontier and have found a life connection that fosters my growth. My presence here is my arrival home. I’m running as a legislator in response to this gift.

There is a critical shortage of mental health services in Montana, particularly in District 25. I believe that increased investment in mental health resources is essential, coupled with efforts to create vibrant, supportive communities that attract and retain qualified mental health professionals.

I advocate for a streamlined, accessible directory of services, achieved by pooling and blending various specialties. Additionally, I emphasize the need to codify and stabilize social and childcare services to provide a strong support system.

As a member of the retired community, I understand the importance of establishing a continuum of care, ensuring clear definitions of services, facilities, and decision-making processes. I am deeply committed to addressing Montana’s status as the state with the highest suicide rate, prioritizing comprehensive strategies to prevent this tragedy.

I believe that every student in Montana deserves access to a quality education, regardless of their zip code. I have a proven track record of success in improving education outcomes, having worked with the Nevada governor to ensure that students across the state could receive a high-quality education.

I believe that we can achieve success in Montana by expanding access to online learning, embracing project-based learning models, and exploring other innovative instructional methods. I am committed to working with educators and policymakers to ensure that all Montana students have the opportunity to succeed.

I understand that taxes are the lifeblood of a functioning society. They enable the government to provide essential services like clean water, reliable communication, safe roads, fire protection, healthcare, and education. I believes that everyone should contribute their fair share to the common good, ensuring these services are available to all Montanans.

I will work to ensure that Montana’s tax system is fair, efficient, and transparent, holding everyone accountable for their contributions. I believe that paying taxes is not just a financial obligation, but a demonstration of responsible stewardship towards the state and its future.

The CORE of My Creed

Believe we CAN accomplish our vision.
Exploring and finding OPTIONS to situations.
Create an atmosphere where we can exercise our RISK muscle.
Celebrating our individual spirits with ENTHUSIASM.

Great Falls Candidates: Paulick (D) vs Nikolakakos (R)

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Great Falls/Cascade County HD22 are Republican George Nikolakakos and Democrat Ronald Paulick.

Ron Paulick

Ronald K Paulick
708 56 St So
Great Falls, MT
Democratic Candidate House District 22

Born near Trenton, NJ. College education MSU 1970-74 and Penn State 1974–76. Married 1975 to a Fort Shaw sweetheart met in MSU chemistry class. After various jobs, bought a home in Great Falls where we still live since 1980. This house is located in House District 22. Raised three children. All having attended Great Falls public schools and state universities. Now retired after twenty plus years of self-employment in an accounting field.

Three important Great Falls functions influenced my desire to run for HD-22:

Being a member of Great Falls Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Great Falls program. Which gave me a foundation for understanding how our city functions.

Participation in Great Falls Centennial’s Lewis and Clark Portage Reenactment as Captain William Clark. Which gave me leadership skills and abilities for working with people. I have also mean president, vice president and treasurer for Great Falls and Montana non-profit organizations.

Lastly, being an active member of the once Great Falls Native American Art Show for over 20 years. Which, as a helper, I gained many Native friends, and respect for Native People and thus other people in the world.

Reasons for running in the 2024 general election are many. Primarily relating to representation, respect and rights:

A good legislator is one who speaks less, listens more, thinks before acting, and desires to hear the public’s voice. A House Representative’s task is to represent every citizen equally in their district. Doing such achieves middle of the road laws. Laws which all people gain benefits from.

Solving legislative issues starts with all political parties presenting their ideas, shaking hands in a good faith gesture of respect for the ideas and the person presenting it, then having a civilized discussions for achieving laws agreeable for all Montana citizens. Political, personal, religious, and any other ideologies should be off the table. Laws should be crafted to help all Montanans equally.

Montana and US constitutions sets forth rights for all citizens.

These rights can be challenged. This is proper for democracy to work. However, only people have the right to modify those laws. Political parties should respectfully handle the proper legal execution of the peoples laws tied to properly passed Constitutional Initiatives’.

Answering the question regarding my three top issues and how to fix them.

I have no top issues. I continue to ask HD22 residents “What are your concerns?” Return postage paid questionnaires builds my understanding of HD22 citizen concerns. So far I am finding there are many more than three. Thus my job would be to express and find solutions for all of their concerns as best I can.

Fixing issues absolutely requires legislators to work together in such a way to achieve “Middle of the road” solutions. Legislators are paid by the people. Legislators should thus work for the benefit of all people.

In closing, I love Montana, I respect all life living on its fertile lands and waters, and I want this job representing all people in House District 22.


Name: George Nikolakakos
Office Sought: House District 22
Occupation: Businessman, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Age: 44
Family: Wife (Melissa) Daughters (Story, Reagan, Melody, Abigail)
Education: BA, Excelsior College (U.S. History)
Military Experience: 20 years (Active USAF/Montana Air National Guard)
Organizational affiliations: NeighborWorks Montana (Director) Great Falls Development Alliance (Director) Veterans Treatment Court (Mentor)
Political Experience: Representative, House District 26 (Taxation, Human Services Committee)

It was the honor of my life to serve Montanans over the last legislative session. I’m running for re-election because I believe serving a cause greater than self is central to a well lived life and a healthy society. I was proud to pass seven bills over my first session cutting property taxes for low income seniors, boosting 2A rights and, as well as multiple bills cutting red tape for business. In the legislature I will continue to work hard at finding conservative solutions that address problems for hardworking Montanans.  

Last session was marked by conservative achievements. We met our duty to balance our budget and set the example for fiscal responsibility by bolstering our rainy day/fire funds. We paid down all existing state debt and established smart long-term trusts that will leverage and invest hundreds of millions in infrastructure, roads, firefighting, housing, and more. We shrank government and passed the largest tax relief in state history (over a billion dollars) both via long term income tax reductions as well as income/property tax rebates.

I am especially proud of the 300 million dollars we invested toward mental health infrastructure and the 40 million dollars we invested towards a health insurance trust supporting our teachers. From cutting taxes for military retiree pensions and enhancing service member spousal employment opportunities to investing in additional trades career & technical education space prohibits a full outline of the many legislative victories for Montana.

We still have work to do. Knocking doors in my district I continue to feel the pain inflicted by our broken property tax system. I am grateful to our Governor for appointing a task force of the brightest minds in our state to address the need for meaningful property tax reform. It is the most important responsibility facing our next legislature.  

We must focus on rebuilding our shrinking industrial tax base. A generation ago industry (mining, gas/oil, timber etc.) made up about 50% of our tax base. Today, as Montana has become a “scenery state” that burden has shifted to residential properties that now make up approximately 75% of the tax base. Long term solutions and pushing back against federal over-reach can resurrect our industrial base but in the meanwhile we can move on creative solutions like a homestead exemption (or something similar) for primary residences that would shift tax burden to the more than 1/5 homes in MT that are non-primary residences often owned by out of state folks. We should also boost sources of revenue that capture out of state tourist dollars as well as e-commerce and use them to pay down property taxes while boosting “circuit breaker” programs for those most in need.

Our state is also still running a surplus and we owe it to hardworking taxpayers to return it while also addressing critical mental health needs and the school funding formula.

In the legislature I will never forget that I have taken a step down to serve under people, not over them. I will work tirelessly to be of service to our community and always show up to listen and learn from people. I hope to earn the opportunity to continue serving Great Falls to the best of my ability.

Great Falls Candidates: Ed Buttrey, Republican For HD21

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Great Falls/Cascade County HD21 are Republican Ed Buttrey and Democrat Lela Graham. Graham did not respond to our request for a candidate profile.

Personal Bio:

I am a 4th generation Montanan, born in Helena and raised in Great Falls.  I have a degree in Electrical Engineering, and formerly worked out of State as a weapon’s systems designer.  Thankfully, I was able to return to Montana, where I get to live, work, raise my family and realize the beauty of Montana every day. 

I have served in the Montana State House since 2019, and formerly served in the Montana Senate (2011-2018) where I have held leadership positions in each of my legislative sessions.  I served as a two-term Majority Whip in the Montana Senate and currently serve as the Chairman of the Senate Business, Labor and Economic Affairs Committee as well as a member of the House Rules Committee, the House Health and Human Services Committee and the State Broadband Committee.

I have also served as a member of many community boards, as a Fire Department Captain, Emergency Medical Technician, Search and Rescue Diver, Chairman of the Great Falls International Airport Authority, and as a varsity football coach and radio announcer.  This service is only due to the amazing support of my wife Jessica, daughters Kenzy, Macy, TayLee and mother Joan, all living locally in Great Falls. 

Reasons for Running for Office:

As an advocate for public service, I continually strive to find unique solutions and ways to help the people in our community and HD21.  Becoming a member of the Montana Legislature has been a great honor and has allowed me to learn more about the issues and needs of our State and the people who call it home.  The Legislature has offered a unique opportunity to enact policies in Economic Development, Healthcare, protecting our Military assets and families, and to promote for the well-being of Montana families.  I thoroughly enjoy finding solutions to help people and this is why I have run and continue to run for public office.   

Top Challenges:

In these trying political times, there are a number of challenges faced by our community and State that I hope to address in the upcoming Legislative session.  First of all, we are facing an economic crisis nationwide and statewide where the costs of living (food, fuel, housing, taxes) are providing challenges for everyone.  Through responsible budgeting, regulation relief, and tax reform we can ensure that Montanans are able to keep more of their hard-earned money.  I am working hard with others on a plan to finally implement a property tax system that is affordable, responsible and fair. 

We must also keep State and local government responsible and efficient, getting out of the way of business innovation and success, promoting housing development with regulation relief, and ensuring that we have a healthy and reliable workforce for our businesses.  Government can be part of the solution, and should help when needed, but more importantly should get out of the way to allow for individual responsibility and innovation, and to let our families and businesses succeed. 

Finally, we have critical issues with drug related crime and physical/mental health.  While some may choose to bury their heads in the sand and hope these issues go away, the truth is that these issues are impacting everyone in our Montana communities.  If re-elected, I will continue to work to ensure that resources are available to provide help for those that need it, want it and are willing to do the work.  Everyone deserves a chance to succeed, to be respected and to contribute to the success of our great State. 

Great Falls Candidates: Melissa Nikolakakos, Republican For HD20

Editors note: Candidates on the November 5 ballot for Great Falls/Cascade County HD20 are Republican Melissa Nikolakakos and Democrat Rina Moore. Moore did not respond to our request for a candidate profile.

Name: Melissa Nikolakakos
Office Sought: House District 20
Occupation: Teacher
Age: 41
Family: Husband (George) Daughters (Story, Reagan, Melody, Abigail)
Education: BA, University of Montana (Education)
Organizational affiliations: Girl Scouts (Unit Service Leader) Raising Readers (Board Member)

As an educator, 4th generation Montanan, mom of four, twenty-year military spouse, and involved community member I pride myself in serving others. I’m running for office to bring common-sense conservative solutions to Helena and create a better community for our kids and families. Born and raised in small-town Montana I want to ensure those time-tested values are at the front and center of our legislative process.

A quality education for our children with deep parental involvement is my passion. I’ve served as a pre-school president, led with the “Raising Readers” Program (since merged by First Lady Susan Gianforte with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library) serve as a Girl Scout Service Unit Leader, and have served countless times as a PTA president. I’m committed to giving back and serving our community and kids and will work tirelessly every day in Helena to that end. 

We face many challenges in today’s political climate. Property taxes, inflation, and out of control housing costs are driving families from their homes and real reform is needed now. Fiscal responsibility and low regulation are the centerpieces to a strong economy, the backbone of a healthy opportunity driven society. This next legislative session we must enact significant property tax reform that offers meaningful relief to primary residence home-owners, bolster career and technical education and the Teach Act, and return a significant portion of the budget surplus to taxpayers.  

There’s much more but the simple fact is that today both political parties are failing our people. It’s time to retire out of touch self-serving politicians and elect every-day Montanans who want to civilly solve problems rather than create constant conflict and chaos. I’m ready to bring real-world experience and Montana values to Helena to do just that. I look forward to visiting and hopefully earning your vote to serve our community to the best of my ability.

Great Falls Candidates: Kevin Leatherbarrow, Libertarian For HD23

Editors note: Today E-City Beat begins publishing the local candidate profiles provided by those who responded to our request.

Kevin’s life revolves around education, the outdoors and freedom. He moved his family to Great Falls later in 2016. He and his wife have a 6-year-old adopted boy.

Kevin and his wife Annie opened a family run tutoring center in 2017 where they school homeschoolers K-12, advocate for children who receiving Special Education services in public schools and after school tutoring.

Kevin has run for the State Senate 2018, State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2020 and Great Falls public School Board in 2021 and is currently running for HD23 in Great Falls.

Campaign Vision

“To establish a society where individual freedom and personal responsibility are paramount, and the role of government is strictly limited to protecting the rights and property of its citizens.”

Core Principles

  • Individual Liberty: Championing the rights of individuals to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they do not harm others.
  • Limited Government: Advocating for a minimal state role in personal and economic affairs, emphasizing that government’s primary function should be to protect individual rights and property. 
  • Free Market Economy: Promoting unfettered capitalism, deregulation, and free trade as the best means to achieve prosperity and innovation.
  • Property Rights: Asserting strong protections for private property as a cornerstone of freedom and economic development.
  • Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility: Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and welfare, rather than relying on government assistance.
  • Non-Interventionism: Opposing military interventions overseas and promoting a foreign policy based on trade and peaceful diplomacy.

Policy Platform

  • Economic Policies:
  • Comprehensive tax reform with significant reductions in personal and corporate tax rates.
  • Elimination of subsidies and government interventions that distort the free market.
  • Deregulation to remove unnecessary bureaucratic barriers to business and innovation.
  • Social Policies:
  • Protecting individual freedoms in personal and social matters, with minimal government interference.
  • Opposing government surveillance and any infringements on privacy rights.
  • Government Reform:
  • Reducing the size and scope of government, including cuts to unnecessary departments and agencies.
  • Implementing term limits for all elected officials to prevent career politicians.
  • Promoting transparency and accountability in government operations.
  • Justice and Public Safety:
  • Reforming the criminal justice system to focus on rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.
  • Protecting the right to bear arms is a fundamental individual liberty.
  • Prioritizing community-based approaches to public safety over federal intervention.

School Freedom

“Empower families and educators to create and choose the best educational opportunities for their children, fostering innovation, excellence, and diversity in education.”

Core Principles

  • Educational Choice: Supporting the right of parents and guardians to choose the best educational setting for their children, whether it’s public, private, charter, homeschooling, or alternative learning models.
  • Decentralization: Advocating for the decentralization of educational governance, giving more control to local communities and reducing federal and state oversight.
  • Market-Based Solutions: Promoting competition among schools to improve quality and efficiency, using market principles to drive innovation and responsiveness to student and parent needs.
  • Deregulation: Reducing bureaucratic regulations that stifle educational innovation and creativity, enabling educators to tailor learning experiences to their students’ needs.
  • Funding Flexibility: Supporting funding mechanisms such as education savings accounts (ESAs), vouchers, and tax credits that allow public education funds to follow students to the schools or services that best meet their needs.

E-City Beat Requests Info From Candidates

Here are the local Great Falls candidates running for state legislature. Below the list is the email E-City Beat sent to all of the candidates requesting a profile, their reasons for running, and their priorities if elected. We’ll be publishing their responses in the coming weeks.

HD 19 (Open seat)
Jane Weber – D
Hannah Trebas – R

HD 20 (Open seat)
Melissa Nikolakakos – R
Rina Fontana Moore – D

HD 21
Ed Buttrey – R (Incumbent)
Lela Graham – D

HD 22
George Nikolakakos – R (Incumbent)
Ron Paulick – D

HD 23
Eric Tilleman – R (Incumbent)
Sandor Hopkins – D
Kevin Leatherbarrow – L

HD 25
Steve Gist – R (Incumbent)
James Rickley – D

Cascade County Commission (Open Seat)
Don Ryan – D
Eric Hinebauch – R

Greetings, candidates,

In order to help fully inform local voters about who our local candidates are and where they stand on the issues before the upcoming election, E-City Beat is requesting a candidate profile from each of you. We’re asking for you to provide our readers with a little personal bio and your reasons for running for office in the upcoming election.

We’d like you to also include the top two or three challenges you think our state and community are facing and how you would address those issues.
Include your profile pic also, if you’d like.

Please keep your submission to 600 words or less and send it in MS Word format to by September 24, 2024. We will publish your submissions without edits or editorial comment.

Thank you and good luck in the upcoming election.

Philip Faccenda
ECB Editor/Publisher

Sheehy Increases Lead Over Tester, Mural For GF Slain Officer, And More

Jon Tester continues to fall behind Tim Sheehy in pivotal MT U.S. Senate race, which could determine Senate majority, from MTPR:

Memorial Mural for Great Falls police officer, Shane Chadwick, is revealed, from KRTV:

Missing boy found safe in Great Falls, from ABC/FOX NonStop Local: