As part of E-City Beat’s continuing effort to help our readers make informed decisions as voters, last month we sent questionnaires to all local legislative candidates in the upcoming general election informing them that we would publish their responses without editorial comment.
Here are the four questions we asked:
- What do you see as the top two issues facing Montana and Cascade County in the next 5 years and why are you the best candidate for the district you’re running in to tackle those issues?
- Identify at least one issue you see as an opportunity to work across party lines on and describe how you will do that to accomplish what’s best for your constituents.
- Why is Cascade County/Great Falls so far behind other Montana cities and counties in growth and economic development and what do you plan to do about it as a legislator?
- Do you think we need some form of a sales tax or other solution in Montana to help offset property taxes and why or why not?
Democrat Laura Dever and Republican Lola Galloway are the candidates in House District 22. Dever did not respond to our request.

First is the increase in crime.
Second is the mental illness crisis.
Being on the Judiciary and the Law and Justice Interim Study committees has given me a depth of understanding on these issues. I have heard testimonies of people from all over the state. I have built relationships with citizens and professionals on both ends of the spectrum. I am one of the only current legislators that personally understands how violent crimes continue to affect our families and communities. I have been a strong voice in these committees speaking for victims and drilling the pardons and parole board on their policies and procedures. I know what to ask. I am currently pushing hard to fix our correctional and justice systems.
2.) Identify at least one issue you see as an opportunity to work across party lines on and describe how you will do that to accomplish what’s best for your constituents.
Our interim study group, both Republican and Democrat members are working on the current jail overload crisis across the state. Our conversations include concerns about who and when prison releases occur and how they’re affecting our communities. Also, having no placement for people with mental illness and addictions in our correctional system for treatment. I will continue to work on this bipartisan issue with every legislator no matter what party they represent.
3.) Why is Cascade County/Great Falls so far behind other Montana cities and counties in growth and economic development and what do you plan to do about it as a legislator?
Because we have branded ourselves as a low income community. We build too many government grant low income housing projects and wonder why we fill them up with low income families.
I will Encourage Great Falls to clean up our entryways into our town through positive incentives instead of penalties and fines. Put some PRIDE back into property ownership. Quit punishing people through higher property taxes when they improve their property. Visitors see our city’s boundary clutter as they pass through not seeing our beautiful interior neighborhoods and judge us as an unsafe city of casinos and crime.
4.) Do you think we need some form of a sales tax or other solution in Montana to help offset property taxes and why or why not?
We need to capture the money going out of state to internet sales. Online sales are killing the brick and mortar businesses which are our higher paying tax base. Our tax system is antiquated and isn’t working. Sales tax? The more money you give government, the more they’ll spend. We need to do a better job on prioritizing our spending and making sure those dollars reach those individuals who they’re intended to help. Our appetite for government money is like a heroine addict. The more you use, the more you need the next time.
We need to capture the money going out of state to internet sales. Online sales are killing the brick and mortar businesses which are our higher paying tax base. Our tax system is antiquated and isn’t working.
I live in this district and live everyday with the issues that my constituents face. This perspective gives me more insight into the people of this districts’ lives. By
attending local meetings and getting involved in those conversations, I have come to know more and more individuals in this district on a personal basis. As I tell their stories in committee discussions, I truly become their advocate in our state legislature. I am the best choice for House District 22 and am their voice in Helena.
Lola Galloway is certainly more knowledgeable than her husband. He appears clueless.