Here is the press release from Vets 4 Vets Stand Down for their upcoming event. E-City Beat supports our vets and Gold Star Families.
For Immediate Release:
Our VETS4VETS Group in Great Falls, Montana will be holding our Stand Down on September 5th and 6th. Location for this event will be at the Great Falls Fair Grounds. The opening ceremony will begin at 10:00 am on Thursday.
This year our Stand Down is dedicated to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, Gold Star Mother’s/Families. Our guest speaker will be Jill Stephenson, Gold Star Mother. Jill is the mother of Ben Kopp, Army Ranger. The Book ” Heart of a Ranger” is Ben’s and Jill’s Journey by Bill Lunn.
If you know of any Gold Star Families we would be “HONORED” to have them attend so we can show our appreciation of their service members and families sacrifice for our country. Please feel free to pass this on to any Veterans Associations, Organizations and Families so we can reach them and show them they are “NEVER FORGOTTEN”.
If you would like an advance interview with Jill Stephenson, please contact Melony Butler.
Melony Butler
Eagle’s Healing Nest
Founder/Executive Director
Cell 218.371.1570
Fax 320.351.6202
Lynda McManigle
Vets 4 Vets Stand Down