Several Great Falls and Montana residents have decided this is a perfect time to compliment existing print and TV news, with an online news blog to explore various issues and their effects on Great Falls and Montana residents.
Our idea stems from the Great Gregg Smith, who hung up his spurs after a successful run with Electric City Weblog, en route to a first-ballot Hall of Fame blogging career. We miss ECW!
Our Editor and Publisher Kelly Parks, entrepreneur, believes that like her grandfather’s numerous newspapers in the early 1900’s, the public has a right to know all sides of a story.
Our vision is to explore and add depth and discussion to newsworthy matters that many of our readers have requested.
It took a bit of time and some serious discussion, but alas here we are.
Very nice to see a new blog launched in Great Falls – best wishes from a grey-beard!
Thanks, David!
I first caught wind of your plans from Gregg Smith. It’s great to see you’re off and running. Best wishes.
Thanks for the kind words, Jim!
Why won’t my posts go through?
Well, that one did…
Thanks for giving us a local voice again! ☺