Downtown Zip Trip Manager: FUMC Encampment Is ‘Dangerous’

At the June 14th Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls.

At the meeting several local owners and managers representing downtown businesses in the FUMC neighborhood provided public comment on the impact of the ‘encampment’ on their businesses.

E-City Beat will be publishing some of their comments and thoughts, directly quoted, continuing today with Wes Bentley, manager of the downtown Zip Trip. The entirety of Mr. Bentley’s public comments can seen here, his remarks start at 00:48:00 of the video.

“Our parking lot is right across from where this is going down and I’m just gonna touch on a few things.

Our employees can’t even park in our lot anymore because of the people in the encampment over there vandalizing the cars, they’re spitting on the windows, they’re taking off license plates off of vehicles, I can’t send my employees over there without sending two at a time.

I have people that walk home walk to the job and walk home I now have to go provide them rides by one of my employees because we do not feel safe at 12 o’clock in the morning with one single employee walking by there because we’ve had to kick every single one of those people on that encampment off of our property for stealing or drinking, causing problems, harassing my employees, spitting in their faces…

This isn’t a houseless problem as he calls it. I’ve managed that downtown location since 2017 now and I would say that 75% of the people that he’s allowing on that property have been a problem downtown for five years.

They were recently kicked out of the Mission because of drinking and doing drugs which is what they now continue to do on that property.

They make it dangerous, they’ve attacked other workers from a business right behind us and I’m afraid they’re going to do that to me or one of my employees when we go down to work every day.

I have a family of four… I don’t wanna not go home to my family because of something that’s going on in this encampment that he’s (FUMC’s Rev.Wakeley) trying to allow.

I think that he has the right idea, but downtown isn’t the place for it and the way he’s handling it, it’s not appropriate.

There’s nothing being done about the drug use, the alcohol, the violence, prostitution, masturbating, urinating, I mean we can’t allow for that, we gotta do something about it.

It’s got to be somewhere else. We’re trying to make downtown a better place for businesses and really bring business to downtown, and this is not the right direction.”

Video: Great Falls Dems Turn 4th of July Parade Into Political Pro-Abortion March

At this years Great Falls Independence Day parade the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee decided it would be a good idea to use the opportunity to push their pro-abortion political agenda.

Following behind their float, which was decorated with local Democrat campaign signs, came a dozen or so slogan chanting marchers with signs declaring “Abortion is Healthcare”, “Bans off My Body” etc.

Here’s a link to the video which was posted on the Montana March For Reproductive Rights public FB page: Montana March for Reproductive Rights | I will never forget this moment #greatfalls | Facebook

Regardless of whether you’re pro-choice, pro-life, or somewhere in-between, you should be able to discern when and where it’s appropriate and respectful to play partisan politics with an extremely controversial hot button issue like abortion.

But apparently common sense and discernment are in very short supply with local Democrats. That lack of respect and decency is one of the reasons Cascade County has gone from solid blue to deep red in recent election cycles.

There have been and will continue to be abundant opportunities to march and chant for whatever issue happens to be important to whatever political organization one may identify with, but the 4th of July parade in Great Falls is a local tradition meant to bring us all together for a fun time, not to further divide us for selfish partisan political gain.

Too bad that the local Democrat party has been hijacked by extremists who chose to turn our non-partisan, non-political celebration into a pro-abortion spectacle for parade goers, including a great many children.

Shame on them. Remember come November.

Perkins Restaurant Owner: Customer Watches FUMC Encampment ‘Lady…Defecate Into The Street’

At the June 14th Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls.

At the meeting several local owners and managers representing downtown businesses in the FUMC neighborhood provided public comment on the impact of the ‘encampment’ on their businesses.

E-City Beat will be publishing some of their comments and thoughts, directly quoted, continuing today with Darrell Becker, owner of Perkins restaurant and the Midtown Motel. The entirety of Mr. Becker’s public comments can seen here, his remarks start at 00:36:20 of the video.

“My name is Darrell Becker, my wife and I own the Perkins and Midtown restaurant, or Midtown motel, across the street (editors note: ‘across the street’ from the encampment at First United Methodist Church) and you’re absolutely right our Sunday morning you look out our windows and we have a little old lady who’s there for her breakfast and that’s her day out and she gets to watch the lady drop her pants and defecate into the street.

We have found more needles within a block of this homeless, excuse me, your houseless encampment, and let’s face it they’re not all diabetics, I’m not stupid.

You know when you walk down the street and you see the orange tabs every 2 feet and that was not like that last year that was not like that anywhere close to it two years ago.

“…he (Pastor Wakely) has allowed this, he has not only had them, not him personally, making them come into our building, we have to watch our front door 24 hours a day because they come in they want to sleep in our hallway they want to go use our restrooms which we used to allow, we can’t allow it now.

It is a safety issue – you don’t know what these people are going to do, and I don’t mean any disrespect by referring to anybody as ‘these people’, I don’t know their names, it’s the people from across the street at his houseless encampment.

And I’ve tried to talk to the pastor. I’m sorry, I don’t see where what he is doing is helping in fact I don’t even I don’t know what he’s truly trying to accomplish except to make himself feel better I believe.”

Downtown IGA Manager: Employees And Customers Don’t Feel Safe Due To Church ‘Homeless Encampment’

At last week’s Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls.

At the meeting several local owners and managers representing downtown businesses in the FUMC neighborhood provided public comment on the impact of the ‘encampment’ on their businesses.

E-City Beat will be publishing some of their comments and thoughts, directly quoted, starting today with Frank Headley, manager of the downtown IGA. The entirety of Mr. Headley’s public comments can seen here, his remarks start at 00:43:50 of the video.

“With my business being within walking distance I have seen an increase in theft, trespassing, fighting, and no respect to the neighbors or neighborhood around the general area.”

“I do believe that we do need a place like this in Great Falls but not on the property of the First Methodist Church.”

“As it evolved into a tent city rules were not set in place, the camp is not secure or safe, laws are being broken the occupants have disrupted the community.”

“From what I have witnessed in the last five months more occupants have moved into the property, it’s growing.”

“I’ve seen individuals from the camp urinating and defecating behind my building and in some instances on the building itself. I have witnessed one individual masturbating behind the building and with this another couple having sex on the street corner.”

“I’ve discussed this with Pastor Jeff and was asked not to call the police and deal with him directly, he doesn’t want a police presence on his property. it has been a daily occurrence to call 911 for the disturbances, theft, fighting. I’ve personally been spit on, punches have been thrown at me horrible name calling by some of the guests that stay on that property.”

“I do believe that a low barrier shelter is needed for Great Falls which should not be located in the heart downtown.”

“My employees is do not feel safe, our customers do not feel safe either.”

Local Dems Urge Fellow Dems To Vote GOP Ballot

Apparently the Cascade County Democrat party is still furious that Sheriff Jesse Slaughter broke up with them last year.

Now local Democrats and their pals in the media are coordinating a smear campaign against Sheriff Slaughter, coughing up their hairballs of hate and rage just as ballots are being sent out to voters for the June primary election.

More on that in a bit, but back to The Breakup for a minute: Should anyone really be surprised that a lifelong law enforcement officer like Slaughter would choose to disassociate himself from a political movement that engaged in the ‘Defund The Police’, anti-law enforcement hate, hysteria, and histrionics that characterized the Democrat Party, including the local branch, starting in 2020?

As Slaughter said then, “I didn’t leave the Democrats, they left me.”

So here we are today and the local Democrats’ need for revenge is strong. So strong that they are urging Democrat voters to vote the GOP primary ballot.

Here’s an excerpt from a document being circulated locally among D voters via email and other means, including an email blast from former Cascade County Commissioner Jane Weber:

“You may never have imagined Democrats encouraging citizens to vote the GOP
primary ballot, but it’s imperative if we want to deny Slaughter another four years as Cascade County Sheriff…WHY REPUBLICAN in JUNE? Sadly, no Democrat candidate filed for the sheriff’s race, so the sheriff election will be determined in the June primary…”

This document is the exact same garbage and nonsense about Sheriff Slaughter recently printed in the Great Falls Tribune. It’s straight ahead, far left Democrat propaganda against Slaughter from the partisan hacks at an extremist liberal advocacy group called MHRAN, whose “research”, objectivity, and credibility is a pathetic joke.

But the local Democrats are desperate because they know what’s coming in November, nationally and in Cascade County. It’s why they have no candidate for Sheriff here.

Keith Duncan, a local concerned citizen and conservative activist, said it well in an email alert recently sent to E-City Beat:

‘Gutter politics is alive and well in Cascade County! This past week our “friends” in the Democrat party unleashed an all-out assault on Sheriff Jesse Slaughter. This political assassination attempt has to be one of the most underhanded efforts to sway an election in memory…Someone needs to remind candidate Groskreutz of the old saying, “By your silence you give consent!”

I agree. I’m a Republican. I voted on the Republican ballot.

I voted for Sheriff Jesse Slaughter.

Missoula Teacher Hands Out Sexual Orientation Questionnaire To Students

“What causes heterosexuality?”

“99 percent of reported rapists are heterosexual. Why are straights so sexually aggressive?”

“Who assumes the dominant role and who assumes the passive role in a straight relationship?”

“The majority of child molesters are heterosexuals. Do you consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual teachers, scout leaders, and coaches?”

“When did you choose your sexual orientation?”

These are among the 15 questions posed to Sentinel High School freshmen – 14 and 15 years old – in a questionnaire handed out by a teacher in the Missoula County Public School District, according to a story by by Connor McCauley posted yesterday, 4/13/22, on the NBC Montana web site.

Here is a screen shot of the questionnaire, titled ‘Questions For Exploring Sexual Orientation’:

How would you react if a stranger in a public park, or even a friend, started asking your 14 year old child these questions?

With the school board election right around the corner in Great Falls perhaps the candidates should be asked if they think this kind of questionnaire is appropriate and what they would do if it was distributed in our Great Falls pubic school system.

Local EMT Training Available

Montana is very short on EMS personnel and Whiteline Consulting and Training has stepped up to help get EMTs into services!

Whiteline has EMT courses throughout Montana, yes you heard that right – throughout! They have dedicated instructors who travel to bring EMT courses to Montana areas.

Whiteline has a course coming up in Vaughn, MT at the Vaughn Fire Hall starting June 2nd every Thursday and Friday night from 6pm to 9:30pm and every other Saturday 9am to 4pm.

This course is all in person and hands on; the cost of the course is $900 plus the cost of the book, but don’t panic over the course cost because they have a payment plan that is set for each person’s needs! They strive to create educated, strong and compassionate EMTs to bring to all Montana communities far and wide. This is a unique course and the reason I say unique is because this company brings in guest speakers to help further students education into pre-hospital care.

The instructors make sure to go into depth about depression, suicide, ptsd and mental health. Why? Because Montana is in the top 5 for suicide rates…Whiteline is here to bring back compassion and understanding to the EMS world again. If you have any questions or if you are curious you can check out the website and email them at

Whiteline wants everyone to know that past and future EMS students throughout Montana are amazing and some of the bravest out there. Take into consideration they are taking these courses during a pandemic; they are coming to the front lines with no hesitation.

The EMS world is hard and can be dark at times but for them to want to help and care for others is an amazing quality. Becoming an EMT is one of the most rewarding professions.

Being able to help others in the worst times of their life and being that calming, compassionate and trusting person to bring light to their darkness. EMTs aren’t there for the pay or fame; they are there because they want to be. They are there to help, to care, to connect and most of all lighten the darkness that the patient is in. Being able to connect with a stranger and bring a smile or a small chuckle to their face is an amazing feeling.

Being in EMS isn’t always trauma; it’s being someone the patient can trust knowing they have someone that will truly listen to them and believe them, being the shoulder and listening ear when dying sounds better then living. It’s knowing they can call 911 and trust having complete strangers help them. It’s knowing that they will be safe and heard.

Being an EMT isn’t just a job or lifestyle or just training to help….it’s a passion for compassion towards others.

Out-Of-Town Leftist & Abortionist Groups Endorse Kelly & Wolff

Last week, E-City Beat received an email from a reader and concerned citizen with a picture of a partisan, machine-sponsored letter sent to Great Falls residents endorsing mayoral candidate Bob Kelly and City Commission candidate Susan Wolff.

The letter is signed and paid for by two out-of-town organizations, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana in Billings, and Forward Montana in Missoula.

The endorsement letter from these two groups raises several observations, but a basic question should be asked first:

Why are these far-left Democrat organizations from out of town paying to promote candidates in a Great Falls municipal election?

Perhaps the following observations will help to answer that question.

  • Kelly and Wolff are running as a team, a political ticket. They are coordinating campaign efforts which is obvious to anyone who has observed their campaign signs in tandem in yards around Great Falls.
  • Kelly and Wolff are both Democrats. Anyone who takes the time to ask around or look into current and past campaign contributions and ties to and involvement in the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee will clearly see the political party affiliation of both Kelly and Wolff.
  • Kelly and Wolff are smart, politically connected operators who know how to leverage support from the statewide Democrat machine, which is ramping up once again in our local citywide election. Why?
  • Kelly and Wolff didn’t and won’t answer specific questions about local issues and policies because they prefer to have their positions remain vague while at the same time allowing outside, far-left advocates to campaign for them while they themselves avoid the appearance of coordination with or connection to those groups. Slick.

So, to return to the question: Why are out-of-town Democrats, that are pro-abortion and well beyond the Great Falls mainstream, campaigning for Kelly and Wolff in the Great Falls election?

Answer: Because unlike the voters of Great Falls, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana and Forward Montana know what Kelly and Wolff will actually do if elected.

One final observation:

The Great Falls faith community and pro-life movement should be aware of and spread the word that Susan Wolff and Bob Kelly are endorsed and supported by the abortionists of Planned Parenthood.

Flashback: Bob Kelly Falsely Takes Credit For Implementing City Cell Phone Ban

Leadership. Experience. Integrity.

These three words billboard Mayor Bob Kelly’s political persona in Great Falls.

Is there anything more obnoxious than politicians telling you what great people they are?

They aren’t words anyone else has assigned to Kelly. No, those are his words.

Which begs the question, then: is taking credit for something you had no involvement in an example of integrity?

Back in 2012, before Bob Kelly was on the City Commission (just by a few months), commissioners passed an ordinance banning the use of cell phones while driving. The ordinance passed 4-1, with then-mayor Michael Winters and then-commissioners Bob Jones, Bill Bronson, and Fred Burow voting in favor. (Mary Jolley cast the dissenting vote.)

In 2017, Rep. Jeremy Trebas sponsored a state bill that would have reversed the municipal ban. The Tribune reported on it, and an opportunity for Kelly to pat himself on the back proved to be too much to resist.

“I’m very much in favor of it,” he said. “My goal in putting it in place was to alert the community and others who visit Great Falls that we insist on safe driving habits.” [emphasis added]

According to the minutes of the meeting, though, Kelly was not even on the City Commission yet, nor did he speak in favor of the ban at any City Commission meeting.

But he “[put] it in place”?

Leadership. Experience. Integrity.

Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing

Are there wolves in sheep’s clothing in our field of candidates for the upcoming City’s mayoral and commission races?

Yes. Judging by comments from many of our readers, there are candidates who would have you believe one thing while they appear likely to do another.

You might say, “So what’s new about that, politicians do it all the time.” And you would be correct.

They try to “pull the wool over our eyes”, while their real intent is to pursue their own agenda that benefits them and their friends.

How often have you heard local candidates profess a would-be commitment to bring about economic development and ‘good paying jobs’ to our stagnant economy? The truth is that most don’t have a clue about how to accomplish that lofty goal. We have heard that tune for decades without results.

Any building project requires a good foundation and economic development requires a foundational environment where people are willing to risk financial and creative capital.

A growth conducive environment has many ingredients, but first and most importantly is the elimination of barriers and practices that detract from anything positive. Those barriers and detracting practices include cronyism, conflicts of interest, and the reluctance to allow fresh ideas.

If candidates and leaders are named in a HUD scolding, or advocate to import Syrian refugees, or if they are proponents of giving millions of dollars to their favorite nonprofit organizations to dole out to their friends, you can be sure that they will have a negative effect on the creation of a suitable environment for economic development and job creation.

A candidate’s history and associations are good indicators of their future performance.

Neither one of these candidates would answer specific questions about their positions on important topics facing the City and it seems they are running together to maintain the status quo. No solutions, just talk.

At the risk of mixing animal classes, do wolves and birds flock together? In the upcoming election, it appears they do.

As Stevie Wonder said in his 1974 song, ‘You Haven’t Done Nothin’, “…we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Tellin’ how you are gonna change right from wrong, Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven’t done nothing”.

In this election, comb the wool out of your eyes and don’t’ let the answer to, “What’s for dinner?”, be “Rack of lamb.”