Great Falls Dems: F-bombs Okay For We, But Not For Thee

Ken Toole, writer and co-founder of the local kooky, far left Democrat wtf406 blog wins “Local Hypocrite of the Year” – hands down.

In his recent rant on wtf406 Toole plops out his phony angst over his 11 year old grandson seeing a “F*** Biden” sign on a pickup truck at an area boat ramp.

Let’s see, “FJB” is objectionable to the guy who helps run “WTF406″. Got it?

An f-bomb sign on a truck at a boat ramp in Montana offends Toole’s delicate sensitivities but a logo and website name that broadcasts out to the the entire internet an acronym that everyone understands as “what the f***” is okay. Yeah, they wink and say the “f” is for “funk”. How clever.

Presumably Toole doesn’t allow his grandson to read his wtf406 blog because the f-bombs there are prolific. Apparently, the bloggers at wtf406 think that cursing on their blog makes them cool and more believable as “activists”. Here are a few examples:

Headline from wtf406 screamer and Cascade County Democratic Central Committee precinct captain, Jasmine Taylor:

And here’s one from Cascade County Democratic Central Committee Chair, Helena Lovick from her 6/24/2024 wtf406 rant:
“It is likely one or two fucking pieces of shit putting up those stickers.”

And a couple of more from Jasmine Taylor just from February, this year:
Some might question if it’s wrong to target Neo-Nazis to limit their access to society’s little pleasures. Short answer- Fuck no.”  – wtf406 2/14/2024

The times, they are a…fucking disappointment mostly...Suddenly, a whole swath of people who never gave a fuck about carbon emissions are out holding hands with Greta Thunberg.” – wtf406 2/11/2024

And another from Dem Chair Lovick:
But the city commission wasn’t done fucking around with these volunteer board members.” – wtf406 10/04/2023

One more from Dem Precinct Chair Jasmine Taylor:
Fuck Elon Musk.” (an FEM from WTF!) – wtf406 10/23/2023

Last but not least, here’s a 10/2022 post on the “Jasmine Taylor For Montana” Facebook page, Toole’s wtf406 partner, the place where she regularly promotes the wtf406 nutty, unhinged, profanity laced tirades:

I could go on, and on…and on, but you get the point. If not, then just go to the wtf406 blog and type in the “f” word in their articles search bar, the one with the little magnifying glass.

And of course there is no age disclaimer for the wtf406 blog site – anyone of any age with access to a computer or smartphone can go to the site to read the garbage thereon, including Toole’s 11-year old grandson.

So spare us your phony sermons on how offensive an “FJB” sign is, Ken.

Who Goes Down For The Count, Voters Or Commissioners

Professional wrestling returns to Great Falls, with the top card match beginning Tuesday at 9:30 AM December 12 in the EXPO Park arena.

The tag team match pits the Mayhem Boys against the team of Saint Joans of Arc in an epic struggle to determine who runs the Cascade County Elections office. It looks to be a down-for-the-count exciting event of which we have not seen in quite a few years.

What makes this contest unique is that a team of two men, Briggs and Larson, will be going tooth and nail against a team of two women, Merchant and Grulkowski. At this point we do not know who will be doing the announcing, but it should be worth the price of admission for sure.

Fans of both teams are lining up to provide plenty of hoots and hollers.

Backing the Boys are the Great Falls School District, the local Democratic Party, and Election Protection Committee. The Saint Joans are backed by over 14,000 voters and the vast majority of Republicans.

There will be no pre match before the main event, so get there early. At this point we do not know if beer and corn nuts will be available.

‘Election Protection Committee’ (EPC), Watchdog Or Attack Dog?

A few things you should know about the so-called ‘Election Protection Committee’ here in Great Falls – it is NOT a local government commission, nor is it a legally appointed committee. Their ads appearing on the front page of the Great Falls Tribune as local mail-in ballots are being received by eligible City election voters is just another dirty trick from the local Democratic machine and the complicit Great Falls School District, to which the greatest share of your local tax dollars go.

EPC is simply a group of self-appointed vigilantes who view politics as a blood sport where lying, cheating, and stealing are parts of their modus operandi.

Their end game is to discredit, slander, and besmirch the duly elected Cascade County Clerk and Recorder, Sandra Merchant, who is also charged with the supervision of elections. In doing so, they are akin to a losing basketball team who can’t win on the court so accuses the other side of cheating and starts a brawl.

The Chairperson of EPC is the infamous Jasmine Taylor, who is well known for perpetrating dirty tricks against people and organizations that don’t reflect her wacko leftist views.

One look at the EPC membership and spokespersons will tell you everything you need to know about it – it’s comprised almost entirely of sour grapes Democrats who lost in previous elections and their family members.

Our advice is to ignore EPC’s attacks against our duly elected Cascade County Clerk and Recorder, and FIRST report any problems with your ballots to the Cascade County Elections Office. EPC cannot solve any problems, they can only create them.

And E-City Beat will be reminding everyone about some of these same EPC people who will be candidates in the upcoming 2024 state legislative elections and what they’ve been doing and saying when they think voters aren’t paying much attention. E-City Beat is paying attention, and saving the receipts.

The ‘Election Protection Committee’ would like you to believe that they are protecting the flock, but they are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes.

Why Are Local Dems Trying To Eliminate Freedom Of Speech In Great Falls?

Recently the local WTF406 blog attempted to silence E-City Beat. They failed.

WTF406 is a far left opinion blog run by Cascade County Democratic Central Committee Chair Helena Lovick and CCDCC former/current precinct committee person Jasmine Taylor.

Both are also failed Democrat candidates for state legislature.

Apparently Lovick and Taylor actually believe they can silence opinions and information with which they disagree by using dirty tricks like trying to co-opt an already in-use, copyrighted name.

Here’s a Facebook post dated 10/4/23 from the ‘Jasmine Taylor For Montana’ page:

No, WTF406 does not own this blog.

And this isn’t the first time these Democrats have tried to silence peoples voices in Great Falls – they deployed the same tactic against a local group called ‘Liberty And Values MT’ a few months ago because they didn’t like that groups message.

Someone should inform Lovick and Taylor that E-City Beat will not be silenced no matter how hard they try, and that an expensive and lengthy legal action may be forthcoming if they continue.

Someone should also inform the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee and their 2024 candidates that their official silence on these attacks by their Chair and officer against the First Amendment rights of Great Falls citizens is tantamount to complicity and will not go unanswered now or in the upcoming 2024 local campaigns.

Columbus Day Is Here To Stay, And So Is E-City Beat✓

Editors note – Today, October 9, 2023 is Columbus Day. Here is a re-post of a piece I wrote last year which contains my commentary on Columbus Day from 2021. E-City Beat✓ will neither cease nor desist from exercising our First Amendment rights no matter how hard the clowns at WTF406 (Democrat Jasmine Taylor and Cascade County Democratic Central Committee Chair Helena Lovick) try to squash freedom of speech.

‘Below is a re-post of an article I wrote last year for Columbus Day.

First, though, I want to comment on a recent post from the ‘Jasmine Taylor For Montana’ Facebook page.

Taylor is an current/former official with the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee, a current/former precinct captain and former failed Democrat candidate for state legislature and Great Falls city commission.

She is also a divisive, racist, extremist who is largely responsible for turning the local Democrat party into the laughingstock it has become. Why local Democrats would allow a loser like Taylor to represent their ideas and values is a baffling question indeed.

What is the purpose of a public Facebook post like this from a Democrat official (“…for Montana”, really?) other than to demonstrate to a tiny minority of kooky extremists how ‘woke’ she is?

One might as well insert “Great Falls voters” in place of “Christopher Columbus” on the picture below because that seems to be Taylor’s attitude towards this community.

Taylor and others like her think they’re edgy and oh so hip by posting garbage like this, but really they’re just dumb and totally out of touch with this community.’ – ECB 2022

Here’s the article from last year.

“Like many Italian Americans I recognize Columbus Day as a way to take pride in my Italian heritage.

Unfortunately, once again this year there are those would like to take Montana in the direction of other states like Hawaii, Oregon and South Dakota, in the elimination of Columbus Day.

Those voices, including the usual state legislators and apparently everyone who works for the Great Falls Tribune, seem willfully ignorant of a couple of important facts.

First, Columbus never set one foot in what we now call America.

Secondly, history is replete with examples of indigenous peoples in America conquering and taking neighboring tribes as slaves, stealing their land, brutalizing and raping women, engaging in human sacrifice and torture as well as committing atrocities including acts of cannibalism.

All of this before any Europeans even knew the New World existed. So, as Zachary Mettler points out is his excellent article, “The Left Hates Christopher Columbus. Here are Five Reasons Why We Should Still Celebrate Columbus Day”, if Columbus is off limits to celebrate, so are indigenous peoples.

No racial or ethnic group is pure and innocent when it comes to treating fellow human beings badly. Those who constantly single out white Europeans as monsters while ignoring the atrocities committed by other groups and individuals do so mostly for selfish political reasons.

Their hypocrisy is clear to anyone interested in the facts.

So I would ask the local Great Falls finger pointers and virtue signalers, like those at the Great Falls Tribune who make money on the Lewis and Clark advertising brand, how they feel about the fact that Clark himself held slaves and the Corps of Discovery helped open up the West to American expansion and the “exploitation” of indigenous peoples?

Where are the calls to eliminate the statues of Lewis and Clark in and around Great Falls?

Where are the demands to get rid of any mention of Lewis and Clark in our local celebrations or in the naming of local restaurants and other businesses and tourist sites?

Please, be consistent or be quiet.

Philip Faccenda – Proud First Generation Italian American


Christopher Columbus wrote in his Lettera Rarissima, “Let those who are fond of blaming and finding fault, while they sit safely at home, ask, ‘Why did you not do thus and so?” “I wish they were on this voyage; I well believe that another voyage of a different kind awaits them, or our faith is naught.”

To quote a piece by John Hirschauer, Contrary to the simplistic picture painted by academics, the indigenous cultures Columbus encountered were as assorted as those of any other peoples in history. While it might be true that some such cultures fit the nomadic, tranquil image pushed by the revisionists, not even close to all of them did. Which leads to an inevitable follow-up to those who would eliminate Columbus Day in favor of “Indigenous People’s Day. Which “indigenous people” do you have in mind? Is it the Kalinago people, who ate roasted human flesh, with a particular affinity for the remains of babies and fetuses? Is it the Aztecs, who killed an estimated 84,000 people in four days in their consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan?

As historian Samuel Eliot Morison, in his book The Great Explorers noted, Columbus “had his flaws and his defects, but they were largely the defects of the qualities that made him great – his indomitable will, his superb faith in God and in his own mission. That will and faith make him a man worthy of this, the day on which we honor him.

Since When Do The Losers Make The Rules?

The Election Protection Committee (aka Pete Fontana, Jane Weber, Jasmine Cassandra Taylor, Sharon Patton-Griffin, et al) is busy instructing the public on Facebook to NOT CONTACT THE ELECTIONS OFFICE if they have an issue or alternately, if they come into the office, to request court-appointed monitor Lynne DeRoche be present while speaking with election office personnel. 

Posted in their Facebook group by Sharon Patton-Griffin: 

“If you have a question or concern regarding an election, please do not call the Elections Office, instead, email the address below. 

Likewise, if you go to the Elections Office, please do not speak to any employee there without first having Lynne DeRoche, Election Office court-appointed monitor, join you at the counter.”

The “address below” is the Election Protection Committee’s email. The post also tells the public to call Jane Weber if they want to speak with someone with the EPC.

None of these people are current elected officials. In fact they are just a group of self-appointed ‘sour grapes’ former or wannabe elected officials who resigned or lost past elections, or the relatives of said losers. They have no official designation or authority.

The big question is  —  why is the Election Protection Committee acting like it’s an official entity for collecting and disseminating complaints and information?

Does GF Public Library Plan ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ For ‘Pride Month’ This June?

First, some people recognize June as ‘Pride Month’.

Second, Governor Gianforte signed a bill banning ‘drag queens’ from reading to kids in libraries and some other public spaces.

Third, the Great Falls Public Library is asking voters for over $1,000,000 more per year to expand their programs.

The conjunction of these three events raises the question: Does the Great Falls Public Library intend to sponsor another ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for kids on their ‘Kids Place’ YouTube video channel next month, as they did in 2021?

If so, the Library Board and Director Susie McIntyre should inform the public right now of their intention to do so and not wait until they know the results of the June 6 levy vote.

No Mother Goose Here

It should be noted that the stories read by the local drag queens during 2021 ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for kids sponsored by your public library were not innocent Mother Goose or Humpty Dumpty tales – they were stories promoting the LGBTQ+ social/political agenda.

Including a story about a very little boy going to the doctor and hearing about becoming ‘transgender’. Here’s the screenshot from the story being read to your kids, sponsored and promoted by your tax dollars.

You can watch the entire video here on a previous post from E-City Beat.

Here’s our poll question:

[poll id=”35″]

Democrat And Family Connections In Effort To Delegitimatize GF Library Levy Election

There has been a near frantic effort in Great Falls by a small group of locals to not only delegitimatize the upcoming Great Falls Public Library mil levy election but to smear the duly elected Cascade County Elections administrator, Sandra Merchant.

There are a few facts which some local media outlets don’t seem to be interested in reporting but which are important and relevant to the issue in question.

Family Ties

One of the founders and main spokespersons for the recently formed Election Protection Committee, which was demanding the resignation of Merchant before she ran even one election in Cascade County, is Pete Fontana – brother of Democrat Rina Fontana Moore who lost her position to Republican Merchant in last November’s election.

In addition, the lawyer who was chosen by the library to represent them and has filed suit against Merhant’s office is Raph Graybill, son of Jessica Crist, a GFPL Board of Trustees board member.

Political Party Affiliations

Graybill is a progressive Democrat activist, former Governor Bullock legal staffer, and failed 2020 candidate for Montana Attorney General, losing in a near landslide to Austin Knudsen 42 to 58 percent.

Another founding member and vocal critic of Merchant is Jane Weber, former Democrat Cascade County Commissioner who resigned her seat in 2020. Democrat Don Ryan was appointed to Weber’s seat and then lost in 2022 to Republican Rae Grulkowski.

Another prominent member of the Election Protection Committee demanding Merchant’s resignation is far left Democrat activist Jasmine Taylor who lost elections for legislature and Great Falls city commission.


So family ties, progressive Democrats, and losing Democrat candidates seem to make up the bulk of the visible public opposition to the people’s choice for Cascade County elections supervisor.

Any concerns about Merchant’s competence or ability to run local elections, and there are legitimate questions and concerns, lose credibility when you look at the possible motivations and partisan history of the people attacking her.

It looks like the Election Protection Committee isn’t really interested in seeing successfully run elections – they seem more interested in spreading discord, mistrust, and havoc.

And that’s unfortunate.

GF Dems Krotkov, Bessette, Smith Hoping Voters Have Short Memories

If you want to know what politicians really think then you have to be reminded of what they say when they think voters aren’t listening or watching very closely.

E-City Beat has been keeping track of what the most ‘progressive’ local Democrats running for state legislature were Tweeting when they thought voters weren’t paying attention.

And it’s quite different from the image they’re trying to put forward now that it’s election season.

So here’s a brief rundown of what Jasmine Krotkov, Barbara Bessette, and Melissa Smith actually believe – which is not the feel-good, ‘moderate’ happy talk they’re trying to palm off on Great Falls/Cascade County voters now.

Jasmine Krotkov, Candidate for HD25

Looks like we know where Krotkov stands on teaching critical race theory in our public schools.

Employees who lost jobs for refusing vaccine mandates, take note.

Trickle down economics is a ‘killer’? Pure garbage from Krotkov!

Barbara Bessette, Candidate HD24

Is Bessette running to represent all of us – or just ‘the resistance’?

Oh, it ‘sounds like’ our Lt. Governor is a racist, huh? What a dangerous and bigoted presumption by Bessette, a candidate for state legislature.

Unacceptable, nasty, and hateful Tweet from Bessette.

Melissa Smith, Candidate HD23

Nice reminder of Smith’s priorities for our community.

Do we really want someone like Melissa Smith in public office deciding who should and ‘should not have money’?

Wait, ‘we could just stop burning fossil fuels’? You mean like in my car that takes me to work in the morning and in my home this winter?

There’s more, lots more, but I think you get the basic idea here.

Krotkov, Bessette, and Smith are nowhere near ‘moderate’. They are far left ideologues with an agenda that they intend to push if elected.

Don’t let them succeed in pulling the wool over your eyes.

Great Falls Democrat Official: “F*** Columbus”

Today, October 12, is the actual Columbus Day anniversary even though the federal holiday was Monday.

Below is a re-post of an article I wrote last year for Columbus Day.

First, though, I want to comment on a recent post from the ‘Jasmine Taylor For Montana’ Facebook page.

Taylor is an official with the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee, a precinct captain and former failed Democrat candidate for state legislature and Great Falls city commission.

She is also a divisive, racist, extremist who is largely responsible for turning the local Democrat party into the laughingstock it has become. Why local Democrats would allow a loser like Taylor to represent their ideas and values is a baffling question indeed.

What is the purpose of a public Facebook post like this from a Democrat official (“…for Montana”, really?) other than to demonstrate to a tiny minority of kooky extremists how ‘woke’ she is?

One might as well insert “Great Falls voters” in place of “Christopher Columbus” on the picture below because that seems to be Taylor’s attitude towards this community.

Taylor and others like her think they’re edgy and oh so hip by posting garbage like this, but really they’re just dumb and totally out of touch with this community.

Here’s the article from last year.

“Like many Italian Americans I recognize Columbus Day as a way to take pride in my Italian heritage.

Unfortunately, once again this year there are those would like to take Montana in the direction of other states like Hawaii, Oregon and South Dakota, in the elimination of Columbus Day.

Those voices, including the usual state legislators and apparently everyone who works for the Great Falls Tribune, seem willfully ignorant of a couple of important facts.

First, Columbus never set one foot in what we now call America.

Secondly, history is replete with examples of indigenous peoples in America conquering and taking neighboring tribes as slaves, stealing their land, brutalizing and raping women, engaging in human sacrifice and torture as well as committing atrocities including acts of cannibalism.

All of this before any Europeans even knew the New World existed. So, as Zachary Mettler points out is his excellent article, “The Left Hates Christopher Columbus. Here are Five Reasons Why We Should Still Celebrate Columbus Day”, if Columbus is off limits to celebrate, so are indigenous peoples.

No racial or ethnic group is pure and innocent when it comes to treating fellow human beings badly. Those who constantly single out white Europeans as monsters while ignoring the atrocities committed by other groups and individuals do so mostly for selfish political reasons.

Their hypocrisy is clear to anyone interested in the facts.

So I would ask the local Great Falls finger pointers and virtue signalers, like those at the Great Falls Tribune who make money on the Lewis and Clark advertising brand, how they feel about the fact that Clark himself held slaves and the Corps of Discovery helped open up the West to American expansion and the “exploitation” of indigenous peoples?

Where are the calls to eliminate the statues of Lewis and Clark in and around Great Falls?

Where are the demands to get rid of any mention of Lewis and Clark in our local celebrations or in the naming of local restaurants and other businesses and tourist sites?

Please, be consistent or be quiet.

Philip Faccenda – Proud First Generation Italian American


Christopher Columbus wrote in his Lettera Rarissima, “Let those who are fond of blaming and finding fault, while they sit safely at home, ask, ‘Why did you not do thus and so?” “I wish they were on this voyage; I well believe that another voyage of a different kind awaits them, or our faith is naught.”

To quote a piece by John Hirschauer, Contrary to the simplistic picture painted by academics, the indigenous cultures Columbus encountered were as assorted as those of any other peoples in history. While it might be true that some such cultures fit the nomadic, tranquil image pushed by the revisionists, not even close to all of them did. Which leads to an inevitable follow-up to those who would eliminate Columbus Day in favor of “Indigenous People’s Day. Which “indigenous people” do you have in mind? Is it the Kalinago people, who ate roasted human flesh, with a particular affinity for the remains of babies and fetuses? Is it the Aztecs, who killed an estimated 84,000 people in four days in their consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan?

As historian Samuel Eliot Morison, in his book The Great Explorers noted, Columbus “had his flaws and his defects, but they were largely the defects of the qualities that made him great – his indomitable will, his superb faith in God and in his own mission. That will and faith make him a man worthy of this, the day on which we honor him.