Is the GFPS District really short of cash, or are their cries just a sleight of hand? If, as Mark Finnicum, a school board member who also serves on the board’s budget committee said, the $1.75M upcoming levy isn’t to add new programs or staff but “is maintaining what we already have” is true… …why…
Author: Philip M. Faccenda
School Tax
The Great Falls Public School District would like you to believe that the impact of the proposed $1.75M operational levy would result in a very small increase to your property taxes, $16.27 on a home valued at $100,000 and $32.54 on a home valued at $200,000. The fact is that the impact of the levy…
GFPS Levy Is 100% Not For ‘The Kids’
No, we are not talking about the graduation rate at the District’s two high schools, not even close. And we are not talking about the District budgeting acumen either. What we are talking about is how much of the proposed $1.3M operational levy will be going for raises for staff and administrative positions and increases…
Lying Is The New Norm
Although, lying has been around forever, it is now becoming a common practice by propagandists and pundits wanting to promote individual, or collective agendas. Straight-out lying has been destigmatized if it advances a certain propaganda that leads to what might be considered a worthy, or important goal. Whether the goal, or objective pursued is objectively…
Will The Great Falls Tribune Be Fair?
If you paid any attention to the recent Great Falls City election, you know that three things are true: a positive, pro-growth, pro-transparency agenda reigned over all, that name ID and incumbency forgave serial malfeasance, and that screeching, far-left nobodies were tossed into the electoral trash heap. What is one to make, then, of last-place…
Poll: Should Mayor Kelly Remove His Name From The “Refugees” Letter?
To recap a wild week here in River City, Mayor Bob Kelly took significant heat for unilaterally inviting refugees to Great Falls. (He has since apologized.) While some of the comments on E-City Beat and elsewhere have not been particularly receptive to the mayor’s mea culpa, I think it’s possible that some of us have…
#TBT: More Mayoral Overreach
In honor of Bob Kelly’s recently exposed extracurricular activities, I thought it would be interesting to share a story from 14 years ago, penned on New Year’s Day in 2006. It is from Gregg Smith’s old blog, and it tells the tale of another big government liberal mayor of Great Falls: Randy Gray. Back then,…
Mayor Kelly To Trump: Send Refugees To Great Falls
Thanks to one of our discerning readers, who sent us this yesterday: about six months ago, and without authorization from the City Commission, Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly signed a letter addressed to Donald Trump, asking the President to send refugees to the City of Great Falls. According to the website Welcome Refugees 2020, Kelly…
A-Listers, Big Tech Execs, Billionaires, And DC Insiders: Meet Whitney Williams’ Donors
Not too long ago, we wrote about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Whitney Williams’ massive fundraising efforts, and the fact that more than three quarters of her haul originates from big money donors outside of Montana. Given the extreme disparity between Williams’ out-of-state donations compared to the other candidates, I decided to take a deeper dive into…
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly From GFPS
It is fair to say a large number of property taxpayers are opposed to voting for yet another school district levy. Based on recent school district levies, both those which passed, and those which have failed, it is also fair to say taxpayers have gotten the good, the bad and the ugly…