Vote Democrat? Thanks, But No Thanks

You’ve probably seen the bench advertising signs supposedly giving you permission to vote Democrat this time, but do you really need Ruth Johnson’s approval?

Every voter has the right to vote their informed, or uniformed, decision even if it goes against common sense. The issues are clear, and national as well as state elections reflect very similar party positions on important issues that affect you.

If you want higher taxes with your hard-earned dollars to go to illegal migrants, or if you don’t care about the increase in violent crime that is sometimes tied to these law-breaking foreign nationals, you can vote for those candidates who voted for, or have a strong likelihood, to vote for allowing the failed, and illegal immigration policies to continue, and those candidates are overwhelmingly democrats. Why, even our former mayor signed on to a letter encouraging the federal government to relocate Syrian refugees (illegal migrants) to Great Falls.

If you believe that it is right to allow men to compete in women’s sports and that they should be allowed to share a locker room with girls, then you probably will want to vote Democrat this time.

If you believe, as Senator Tester does, that recent newcomers to Montana who have created many new jobs for Montanans are bad for Montana, then you should probably vote Democrat. It’s kind of ironic that we want new businesses in Montana, but not those created by entrepreneurs who are not native-born Montanans. How many generations does it take to be a real Montanan?

If you believe that killing the pre-born is somehow your right to choose, then you should probably vote Democrat in local, state, and national elections.

Keep in mind that some decisions you make have real life, or death, consequences.