I posted this today on my personal Facebook page regarding a picture making the rounds on social media:
“I’ve had several folks bring this to my attention today. A couple of dumpsters full of books behind a public library is a head scratcher for sure.”I’ve had several folks bring this to my attention today. A couple of dumpsters full of books behind a public library is a head scratcher for sure.
It’s my understanding that the books were donated and the Great Falls Public Library doesn’t have the room or the time to properly place and manage the books.
It’s not a good look for sure and some clarification from the library would be helpful.”
The Great Falls Public Library commented the following response:

“Hi Rick! The Friends of the Library have a wonderful used book sale each May. The volunteers spend hours collecting and organizing donated books for the sale. This year they raised over $14,000 to support the Library and we are so grateful for their efforts. The last days of the sale include 1/2 price sales, $5.00 sack sale and a special after sale day offering as many items as you want for $5.00. The Friends try to work with local non-profits to find good homes for the books that don’t sell but some of the books were not wanted by anyone. The Library did not have room to store the final leftover books so they were disposed of in the most economical way possible.”
Wait A MINUTE !! What in the world THROWING BOOKS AWAY !! Some one must certainly be in line to be FIRED !NO excuses for this action !!
Please see the response from the Library. The book sale sold every book it could, including $5 sack sale and free books for non profits. If you have time and room to store the left over books, please let the Friends of the Library know next year and you can come get them after the sale.
Perfect solution.
As someone who has embraced reading over the past few years, I have given away hundreds of books and even held a book exchange at one of my events, CAB (Coffee and Business). I will reach out to the Library to collect any books that weren’t sold during their events and make sure I can find a good home for them.
Obviously, not all books can find a good home, but, I know of organizations, like the Great Falls Clinic Legacy house that could use some.
They took all that time and effort getting them organized and trying to find buyers. They didn’t have any more time to see if a donation to anybody outside of town wanted them they had to go in the trash that’s shameful.
They took all that time and effort getting them organized and trying to find buyers. They didn’t have any more time to see if a donation to anybody outside of town wanted them they had to go in the trash that’s shameful.
I see where they SOLD books, had SALES on book, even sacks of books & try to donate to non-profits but I don’t see ANYTHING about the schools or about GIVING to kids whose parents CAN’T afford the $5 or whatever. They would rather throw them in the trash than see a kid get a FREE book. Was this event even advertised.???
I attended book sale, did you? There were almost no kids books left, so if you don’t mind the 3rd graders reading Danielle Steel from 1991, ATKINS diet from 2001, and 5 copies of every Grisham book…there were a lot of good books left, and the sale is manned by volunteers. I believe they are looking for more help.
The only issue I see is, maybe they could of turned them in for recycling. That way they could possibly be turned into new books that people do want to read.
How do they advertise the book sale? I am sure a lot of people didn’t know about the sale. What a waste ! Could some of these books be donated to schools? Especially those that relate to true science, history, government, geography, etc. Books that tell the stories of famous people, or how to do books.
Kids books should be divided between grade schools and children should be allowed to pick one for free , rather than throwing them away. It would be better use of those books. Just my opinion. Might make a difference in some one’s life.
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) Book Sale is held every year at the GFPL. We also have a lot of books left over. Our Last Chance Sale is Tuesday, October 29 Noon – 6pm. If you know of someone who would like the leftover books, Please let them know. For a $5 entrance fee, bring a pickup and take it all.