Editor’s note: This is our continuing series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.
Democrat Bob Moretti and Libertarian Kevin Leatherbarrow are the other candidates in Senate District 13 and they did not respond to our request for a profile.

Why are you running for the office?
I want to make a meaningful contribution to benefit present and future generations of Montanans. As a native of Great Falls and local business owner for 40 years, I’m confident I can successfully represent the priorities and values of Senate District 13 and Montana. I care about our citizens and their families and want to provide the opportunities to improve their lives.
Why are you running as a Republican?
I believe everyone prospers with a growing economy and thriving business community. With 55 years of business experience, I’ve learned that lowering taxes, eliminating excessive regulation and stopping frivolous litigation promotes business growth and job creation. On the hand, I realize that smart government, fair taxes and sensible regulations are necessary for public services, safety nets for the less fortunate, and equal opportunity for all our citizens. My job as a legislator is to find the right balance, and that requires and open mind.
What makes you the best candidate in the race?
There’s no substitute for experience, both private and public sector, and my resume speaks for itself:
1. Graduate of Princeton University, B.A. Science and Engineering
2. Manufacturing manager for Proctor and Gamble, 1963 to 1977
3. Founded Hoven Equipment, a farm equipment dealership, with wife Barbara in Great Falls in 1978. Today, Hoven Equipment provides 28 people with good jobs and benefits.
4. Elected to House District 24 in 2008, re-elected in 2010 and 2012; elected to Senate District 13 in 2014
5. Served on the Taxation Committee and Agriculture Committee for five legislative sessions
While serving in the Montana Legislature, I’ve supported free enterprise, disciplined budgets, education funding, access to public lands, responsible natural resource development, and Medicaid expansion with co-pays and job skills inventories. Equally important, I’ve supported help for the elderly and opportunities for people with disabilities. If re-elected I’ll do more of the same.
Brian, I will be looking forward to seeing how vigorously you pursue the drafting and promotion of a bill to eliminate the current mandatory 5yr vehicle license plate ‘replacement’, and also the doubling of tax payment when vehicles are transferred, w/ in a single tax year.
Jim Panagopoulos.