In House District 19 Libertarian Party candidate George Shultz is running against Republican incumbent Wendy McKamey. Here is McKamey’s response and profile. Shultz did not respond to our request.
Talk a little bit about your background, family, work, and hobbies/interests.
Currently, I am representing House District 19 and serving my third term. During the 2019 session I was honored to serve as a member of the Agriculture Committee, the Education Committee, vice chair during the Session and then Chair of State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs committee during the Interim.
For the past 39 years my husband, Les and I have been co-owners of a sheep and cattle business, located in south east Cascade County, where we raised our children and remain actively involved in our communities, continuing my life-long passionate commitment to the advancement of agriculture, business, education and family. My interests and hobbies are many and varied, but count being an accomplished pianist as well as being an avid reader and collector of books among them.
Why are you running for the office?
More than ever, Montana needs stability and leadership in the legislature and I can help provide that in large part due to my previous experience as a legislator. The voters of Cascade County know of my integrity and commitment to listen to them and to work with and for them. This I will continue to do unflinchingly.
Why are you running as a Democrat, Libertarian or Republican?
As a Republican, I support free market capitalism, economic and social conservatism, gun rights, lower taxes, limited government regulation and involvement, private property rights, and traditional values. Always, I will work to ensure opportunities to strengthen these.
What are a couple of issues in the state legislature that you could work on to help Great Falls and Cascade County grow and prosper?
As in the past, my priorities will continue to be in protecting you, your family and your livelihood, and in providing opportunities to build a prosperous life.
What makes you the best candidate in the race?
It is critical you send someone who is prepared, who will represent you, not a personal agenda. You know who I am, that I’m prepared and that I’ll continue to represent you by listening first to my conscience; second, my constituents and third, my caucus as I make decisions. You can call me at: 406-866-3300