In House District 21 Democrat Jaime Horn is running against Republican Ed Buttrey. Due to an email glitch Buttrey’s response, which was sent before the deadline date, wound up in the wrong email folder. Here is his response and profile. We apologize for the mix up.

Talk a little bit about your background, family, work, and hobbies/interests.
I was born, raised and educated in Montana. I own and have owned businesses in real estate, lodging, manufacturing, retail, food and beverage, financial and consulting industries and am proud to employ and support Montanans. I have been a State Senator, State Representative, Fire Department Captain, Search & Rescue Director, Dive Rescue/Recovery Team Member, Military Advocate, Coach, and sit on various community boards. I am blessed with a beautiful wife Jessica, daughters (Kenzy, Macy and TayLee) and mother Joan all living in Great Falls. I love sports, the outdoors, fishing, camping, coaching and living in Montana.
Why are you running for the office?
I have been honored to serve as your State Senator and State Representative. In these roles I have passed critical legislation in the areas of workforce development, healthcare, military, employment, education, telemedicine, veteran benefits, prescription drug reform, liquor/gaming law, tax reform and in many other areas to benefit those that I represent. I understand complex policy and have been in leadership in each of my legislative sessions. I work hard each day for my constituents and to ensure a better Montana for each of us, our children, and generations to come. There is more work to be done, and I am asking for the honor to continue as your Representative.
Why are you running as a Democrat, Libertarian or Republican?
I am a Republican and have been a job creator throughout my entire professional career. I believe that responsible government should be run like a business, focusing on efficiency and performance, with accountability at all levels. Government must exist to support, not obstruct our businesses and citizens. I am not an ideolog, or someone that believes that anyone has the best solution, before listening to those that are affected. I know that by listening more than talking, we can come up with great solutions. Conservative ideals, thoughtful consideration of issues, hard work, and holding all parties accountable are the cornerstones of my party and are why I am proudly running as a Republican. As a Legislator, however, I have and will always respect and honor my duty to represent all those that live in HD21, regardless of political affiliation.
What are a couple of issues in the state legislature that you could work on to help Great Falls and Cascade County grow and prosper?
Due to the pandemic, we will have dramatic reductions in State revenue and will need to make corresponding adjustments to our budget. The answer is certainly not to increase taxes, but to focus on efficiencies, technology and innovation to provide services to those most in need. We need to take advantage of the opportunities created by the pandemic to market Cascade County as the best and safest place to create and grow businesses and to raise families. With Conservative leadership in the Legislature, we can weather this storm, rebuild our financial reserves and generate economic activity in the State and Cascade County. I will continue to work with local leadership to find ways to grow our area with good paying jobs, safer streets and better opportunities for our families.
What makes you the best candidate in the race?
Simply put, I know how to get Legislation across the finish line. I am a policy Legislator and have carried some of the most complex legislation brought in front of the Legislature during my tenure. I have passed legislation creating jobs, and fighting for education, businesses, Veterans, infrastructure, and our military missions. I will listen to all viewpoints, will fight hard for you, and will succeed for you. In this time of change and pandemic, it is important to elect representatives that can hit the ground running, that can get the job done, and will work hard for all the people they represent. I am honored to have represented you, and hope to continue to serve as your Representative for HD21.