_______________________________________________________________________ I found it interesting that the day after I wrote a piece about transients camping out at our Great Falls Public Library and in our public parks I noticed this piece in the Billings Gazette: “Billings police investigating downtown stabbing at library” From the article: “Billings Public Library Director Gavin Woltjer said he isn’t…
Category: Great Falls
We Can Be Compassionate Without Being Naive
_______________________________________________________________________ Within the past 10 days in Great Falls: The Cascade County Sheriffs Department busted a human trafficking/prostitution operation here. A Great Falls woman was arrested for selling meth and heroin on multiple occasions to undercover cops. I went to the Great Falls Public Library on a Friday afternoon and encountered several people camped out…
Ideas From Citizens For A Greater Great Falls – Part Two
_______________________________________________________________________ A couple of weeks ago I posted the following question on my public Facebook page: What does, or what would, make Great Falls unique in terms of being a destination hot spot for tourism, business, and new residents? There are currently 389 responses. Here I am continuing this regular series of blog posts on…
GF Mayor And Commissioners Continue Ducking And Dodging
_______________________________________________________________________ The recent behavior of Great Falls mayor Bob Kelly and the other commissioners on our city commission is unacceptable and should be alarming to every citizen in our community. Here is a brief recap: Commissioners Robinson & Moe have been conducting secret meetings with the Maclean Animal Adoption Center to negotiate a partnership with…
There Goes The Neighborhood, Great Falls?
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: the following is an article we received today from a Great Falls resident who for obvious reasons has asked to remain anonymous. Thirty years ago when I bought my home and was head of the youngest family on our block, the old-timers living nearby imagined, and some so-stated, “There goes the neighborhood!”…
Great Ideas From Current And Former Great Falls Citizens
_______________________________________________________________________ Recently I posted the following question on my public Facebook page: What does, or what would, make Great Falls unique in terms of being a destination hot spot for tourism, business, and new residents? Not surprisingly so far I have received 376 comments and ideas coming from a wide variety of Great Fallsians. Or…
Fun For Teens In Great Falls
_______________________________________________________________________ Recently, I wrote about hosting a series of events this summer for our teens. Well, the first date has been set! I am working with Kevin Bray and The Alumni to host an All Ages Night! The Event will definitely be happening on June 9th to celebrate the start of summer. For $10, all…
Don’t Buy The ‘Non-Partisan’ Flapdoodle
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: due to a technical issue this is a re-post from a story originally put up on 5/21 but later deleted. Someone recently sent me a link to an organization I had never heard of called ‘Forward Montana’. Ostensibly, the groups mission is to get young folks involved in the political process and…
Great Falls Parking & ‘A Leader Who Listens’?
_______________________________________________________________________ We couldn’t help but notice two related local topics this week: Tracy Houck announced her intention to run for reelection to the Great Falls city commission. The City of Great Falls is proposing doubling downtown parking meter fees. We find it rather ironic, and quite amusing, that Houck is using the slogan “A Leader…
Make Great Falls Great Again! – Changing the Narrative
_______________________________________________________________________ Well, Great Falls, you have finally done it. You have turned me into a total cynic in a way I have never been before. I used to be a positive force in my own life, and lately, it seems as though everything has been negative in every way. This “negative narrative” in town has…