On April 20, the filing period opened for Great Falls Mayoral and City Commission candidates. Despite an otherwise quiet municipal electoral landscape, we were recently alerted to the online presence of one Commission candidate, Tyson Habein. You can follow his campaign on Facebook here.
While he doesn’t seem to possess particularly high name ID, Habein’s could make for an interesting candidacy. He’s young, and has worked as Regional Field Organizer for the Montana Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee. If Habein proves himself to be a savvy campaigner who is willing to work hard — by utilizing Democratic lists and data to send up a friendly flag to voting liberals — he could be competitive.
Though City elections are officially non-partisan, the left-leaning triumvirate of Bob Kelly, Bill Bronson, and Tracy Houck swept the 2015 contests.
Mayor Kelly, Commissioner Bob Jones, and Commissioner Fred Burow are all up for re-election this year.
The last day to file for office is June 19. For the requirements to seek and hold public office, read the City’s election brochure.
Another liberal steps up to want to run the city of Great Falls. Wow, now that’s diversity (eye-rolling sarcasm)!
We need something DIFFERENT than what we have now, not more of the same. When are people going to wake up in this town. I hear people complaining all the time about what goes on with local government, but the status quo remains. Electing another lock-step democrat is not the path to change.
Have to agree with you, Jeni. It’s smaller than the swamp in Washington, but it too needs to be drained.
And yes, I know the commission is supposedly non-partisian but it’s pretty easy to tell…
City commission needs to be non-partisan, committed to transparency, Promoting public participation, being responsive and not just ‘rubber stamps’ to the staff, but accountable to the taxpayers, hold down city staff increases, NO new taxes and reduce conflicts of interests, all goals that any responsible leader should encourage!
he will fit right in with the dream team Houck,Kelly,Bronson
Another Great Falls resident willing to commit his time and effort to run for public office, a job where he will be insulted, criticized and labeled according to the fickle personal prejudices of those who he wishes to serve.
I wish him the best of luck.