Here are the local Great Falls candidates running for state legislature. Below the list is the email E-City Beat sent to all of the candidates requesting a profile, their reasons for running, and their priorities if elected. We’ll be publishing their responses in the coming weeks.
HD 19 (Open seat)
Jane Weber – D
Hannah Trebas – R
HD 20 (Open seat)
Melissa Nikolakakos – R
Rina Fontana Moore – D
HD 21
Ed Buttrey – R (Incumbent)
Lela Graham – D
HD 22
George Nikolakakos – R (Incumbent)
Ron Paulick – D
HD 23
Eric Tilleman – R (Incumbent)
Sandor Hopkins – D
Kevin Leatherbarrow – L
HD 25
Steve Gist – R (Incumbent)
James Rickley – D
Cascade County Commission (Open Seat)
Don Ryan – D
Eric Hinebauch – R
Greetings, candidates,
In order to help fully inform local voters about who our local candidates are and where they stand on the issues before the upcoming election, E-City Beat is requesting a candidate profile from each of you. We’re asking for you to provide our readers with a little personal bio and your reasons for running for office in the upcoming election.
We’d like you to also include the top two or three challenges you think our state and community are facing and how you would address those issues.
Include your profile pic also, if you’d like.
Please keep your submission to 600 words or less and send it in MS Word format to by September 24, 2024. We will publish your submissions without edits or editorial comment.
Thank you and good luck in the upcoming election.
Philip Faccenda
ECB Editor/Publisher