Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’.
As a way to partially fulfill my personal commitment to working for transparent and responsive City government I’ll be posting brief weekly previews and recaps of Great Falls City Commission work sessions and regular meetings.
The idea is to highlight a few of the upcoming City Commission meeting topics that would be especially relevant and interesting to local citizens and to encourage your feedback, ideas and input, through the comments section here and by your personal attendance at the meetings if possible.
You can find the full agenda and agenda packets for the upcoming meeting, as well as minutes for previous meetings, here – https://greatfallsmt.net/meetings
WORK SESSION – Tuesday March 3, 5:30 PM Gibson Room, Civic Center
Items of particular public interest:
1.) Community Risk Reduction Plan – Steve Hester.
2.) Animal Shelter Request for Proposal Review – Chuck Anderson.ALERT – This item is the beginning step in the process for a possible official city commission consideration to ALLOW THE CITY TO UTILIZE THE SERVICES OF THE MACLEAN ANIMAL ADOPTION CENTER.
REGULAR MEETING – Tuesday March 3, 7:00 PM Commission Chambers
Items of particular public interest:
1.) Resolution 10334, Requesting a Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Environmental Impact Study for the proposed Madison Food Park Slaughterhouse Proposal. Action: Adopt or deny Res. 10334. (Presented by Commissioner Moe)
2.) Resolution 10335, Requesting that Cascade County require a Comprehensive and Cumulative Study of the impacts on the City of the entire package of the Madison Food Park Proposals.Action: Adopt or deny Res. 10335. (Presented by Commissioner Moe)
3.) Resolution 10336, Dissolving the City of Great Falls Design Review Board and assigning the functions outlined in Title 17, Chapter 28 to Planning and Community Development Staff. Action: Adopt or deny Res. 10336. (Presented by Greg Doyon)
View the whole agenda and detailed agenda items information here:
This is your city government and these issues affect you and your family. YOU’RE THE BOSS.”
Is not the food park outside the city limits so what does the city have to do with it! They have the city so anti development they want to expand into the county. The animal center spent all their money building a fan y building now have to come to tax payers to support it. If you can’t pay your way close your doors.
Thank you for your updates on the City Commission. I really appreciate being able to see what’s going on.
I have serious concerns over the two proposals by Commissioner Moe. My first question, does the City have grounds to make these requests? If Madison Food Park meets the requirements of the County and the State why is the city trying to hinder economic development? It appears to be the same NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) attitude that the ‘Progressives’ use every time there is an effort to grow the economy and encourage commerce.
The City Commission needs to worry about the problems of the City. If Commissioner Moe is worried about the business of the State or the County she should run for one of those offices!
The two proposals Commissioner Moe wrote up and is presenting were the result of initiatives/requests by the 9 neighborhood councils and the citizens who make those up. The councils wanted a study on possible impacts, and since the City does not have the funds, these resolutions would address the wishes of the neighborhood councils by asking the State and County to do the studies.
It’s all detailed in the meeting packet available at the link provided above by Commissioner Tryon. There was also a big story about it in the Tribune.
My guess is that the folks posting that this isn’t the city’s concern have NEVER voted FOR a school budget increase in their lives. But the reality is that the schools are bursting at the seams now. Bring in ten thousand dependents of the three thousand immigrant workers, and at least one new high school will be required and probably a grade school as well, including all the required teachers and translators. Suddenly it becomes our business. Who’s going to foot the bill for these new schools if we can’t pass a budget now? At the slaughter plant in Alberta, which is much smaller than the one Freisen wants to build, the workers speak a hundred and twenty different languages! That’s gonna be a lot of interpreters needed!
If immigrants want to come here, let them. They’re free to do so. We might finally get some good ethnic restaurants. But keep the slaughter plant our. We don’t need to subsidize the Hutterites!