Our weekly feature highlighting a few of the latest and most interesting local and national news items from various sources.
Senior Police Officer Tanner Lee, who was shot in the chest and arm by a fleeing suspect, is recovering from his wounds, from GFPD Facebook:
Gianforte signs GOP tax cut/rebate, from the Bozeman Chronicle:
Montana legislature back in session, from MTPR:
Teen arsonists sentenced in Great Falls, from ABC FOX News NonStopLocal:
I am a new reader and enjoy your news releases very much.
Would you give the voters some information on the Safety Mill Levee. What services will the funds go toward? What are the pros and cons of voting for or against it? I have heard that The Levee will increase the property tax of a home owner by $280 on a $200,000 home.
I’m guessing the majority of the voters are unaware of what’s in the mill levee and how much it will cost them.
What can be done so that more information about what we’re voting on is read readily available to the voting public.
Thank you for getting important information out to those of us who are not informed.