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One of the reasons E-City Beat occasionally publishes anonymous articles, and allows our volunteer staff to remain anonymous if they so choose, was vividly illustrated yesterday when we published a piece on Critical Race Theory.
It’s hard to shock me nowadays, but one commenter succeeded in doing so on our Facebook post which promoted the CRT piece on the blog.
First, a brief background. In response to the article, a local teacher, Kristin Ann, commented her opinion which disagreed with the article’s premise and points.
That’s fine. We invite open, civil debate and diversity of opinion. ECB staff rebutted Kristin Ann’s comment and you can read the entirety of the thread here.
What’s not fine is a comment made by someone called Yuri Matsko in response to our rebuttal to Kristin Ann.

Is it any wonder that some people request anonymity when faced with this kind of response to their opinions or associations?
Matsko refers to himself as a ‘former teacher’ on his social media and styles himself an ‘educator’. Is this the kind of character we want our children exposed to in our school system?
I ask my volunteer staff to document and screenshot any violent or threatening content on our Facebook page and blog so they were able to capture a screenshot of Matsko’s filthy, unhinged personal attack on me before he was able to delete it.
After he deleted it he made another comment on the post which I’m sure he thinks is funny or somehow appropriate compared to his original comment:

A ‘huge hate boner’? ‘Sad old white men’?
Matsko is so totally lacking in self awareness that he calls ECB ‘disgusting’ for publishing a piece which expresses an opinion different than his own but fails to see his own use of extremely disturbing vile language and imagery as sick and disgusting.
Matsko should not be anywhere near our children in my opinion, but unfortunately his colleagues in the ‘education’ community apparently don’t see it that way, because there was not one rebuke of Matsko from the several local ‘teachers’ commenting on the thread. Not one. In fact there were several ‘Likes’ for his comment.
It actually gets worse. Apparently Yuri Matsko is also a member of the Great Falls Early Childhood Coalition, listed as a ‘Parent/Teacher’.

Let me remind you of Yuri Matsko’s comment, which he subsequently deleted, but not before we were able to screenshot it:
“Dear ECB Staff (probably that fuckin Phil guy), please go fuck yourself with a broken bottle, you donkey raping shit eater.”
Do you want Yuri Matsko, ‘teacher’ and ‘educator’, anywhere near an Early Childhood Coalition or in any way involved with your kids?
I don’t.
Disappointed: you really think like that? Hard to believe
Great tacky headline, really grabs the readers, guess I’m no different lol. At any rate, Phil, your writing sucks, and there was nothing ‘threatening’ or ‘violent’ you’re just a snowflake. It was filthy yes but not a threat or violent.
Wow threatened much? Seems a bit nuts to write an article about someone you don’t even know. Shows just how much of a snowflake you are if that comment caused you to “launch an attack” as you put it. You are the one who drug his name through the mud. Zero respect
Educators are real people with opinions and lives outside of their employment, Phil. Sounds like Yuri has passion and humor in his bag as well. Pretty low to call a man out publicly for comments he made on the internet. If every teacher had something like this written up for every comment they made outside the classroom.. there wouldn’t be many teachers left. Get off your high horse.
Mr. Matsko is an incredible man and educator. I think his passion, whether it’s directed positively (or perhaps negatively, in this case) speaks to his ferocity for growth and learning. As a mother, I would (in a heart beat) love for Mr. Matsko to educate my children, as I have learned from him myself, and regardless of whether I agree with him all the time, I feel that looking at his perspective makes me a smarter person.
Thank you for YOUR perspective, sir, even if it’s skewed from personal contempt
Cool you allow anonymous contributions so readers don’t do what you did to Yuri. Hypocrisy. At least Yuri is brave enough to use his name.
Phil (and pretty much anyone who’s written for the E-City Beat),
For the last five years you’ve torn down and disparaged teachers, admin, people of our school district, and all sorts wonderful members of our community. You’ve put a staggering amount of effort into dividing our community by disseminating your narrow ideas and pushing personal vendettas with your hack journalism.
I don’t owe you civility or respect. And after watching how you conduct yourself as an “Editor-in-Chief,” allowing for and promoting constant ad hominem attacks against people who don’t agree with your politics or ideas—or people who, in my case, *gasp* use naughty language towards you! How thin is your skin? Rice paper is more durable than your little ego.
The only thing you’re “exposing” is how whiny and petty you are. You even tried to use my insults to cast more aspersions on our teachers, to try to paint them in a bad light, because they didn’t come and defend you! Why would they EVER defend you, when you’ve spent YEARS degrading them, Phil? You insulted my self-awareness, but do you have any idea how toxic and damaging your articles and Facebook posts are?
I think you do. That’s the largest reason why I insulted you. And you proved me right—that you really are nothing more than a hateful, pathetic hack pushing a feeble agenda (and apparently not proofreading anything, because for an “editor-in-chief,” you sure allow a lot of typos and mistakes get published). You and the rest of the “writers” you publish should be ashamed of how utterly myopic you are.
And how cowardly and spiteful that you would get insulted by someone on the internet and then immediately go and try to defame them, to try to damage their ability to find employment—because, what? Your feelings were hurt? Get a life.
I’m literally an unemployed homemaker… and let that sink in, that you’re railing and slandering someone’s fitness to be a teacher who ISN’T EVEN A TEACHER OR PLANNING TO BE A TEACHER. You look insane. Is it normal when someone is rude to you to go blast their fitness to perform a job they don’t have or plan to have? (I’m sure we all remember when Walter Cronkite did that blistering exposé on the rude construction worker’s ability to be a flight attendant.)
You do not get to spread hate and vitriol FOR YEARS and then be surprised when people are angry at you for it. And I am so angry with how you’ve treated our fellow community members, and the seeds of discord you’ve planted in our town. So, yeah, I gave you some choice, vulgar words. My only regret is that I didn’t have an opportunity to say them to your face.