This past Saturday we held a Ride and Rally to show support for local law enforcement in Great Falls.
One of the reasons that the ride and rally resonated here is because there are many local law enforcement folks and their families who feel like they’ve been left out of the conversation the last several months.
Saturday’s rally and ride was not a statement against Black Lives Matter or any other organization, but rather a way to show support for the Great Falls Police Department, MHP and the Cascade County Sheriff’s Office.
I am proud to be a part of this community because of the love, appreciation and support we show on a daily basis for our law enforcement, and all of our great first responders here.
But I am also greatly disappointed and troubled by comments on local social media about the events on Saturday. Here’s an example from the Great Falls Tribune Facebook page on a post about their story before the rally –

Cops don’t deserve a parade?
Our police are ‘nothing but a bunch of murderous thugs’?
Citizens showing up to support our law enforcement is a KKK rally?
Here are a couple of more from a Tribune FB post after the rally –

A White Supremacist Rally? Stupid? Creeping Authoritarianism?
Oh, and here’s one from a charming and intelligent young lady on the KFBB Facebook page –

Thankfully these idiotic, hateful, and yes, evil comments and memes do not represent the majority of our citizens sentiments.
But my message to those who spew out this kind of garbage is simple – we don’t want your vile hate in our community.
The people that believed that, are truly narrow minded. The only people in my opinion that don’t back the police, are the ones getting in trouble. They probably have warrants out for them. Just my opinion, I will stand behind the police 100%.
I recently visited an old friend that I knew would have the complete opposite opinion politically that I do. What truly surprised me was her statement that all Americans can’t display our flag because “a portion of society” has taken to waving it all the time. I quietly said that anyone can proudly wave an American flag why would you think you can’t. No response and since we have agreed to disagree to preserve a 30 year relationship I did not pursue the conversation.
She had already referred to our President as a prick, stated that a black man should be able to jog without getting shot and that I should STOP watching the livestreams that depict the true picture of Burn, Loot and Murder night after night in our major cities. I continued on my journey with our friendship in tact but still wondering about the absurdity of her statement that she can’t even fly the USA flag.