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With the upcoming election, here is a crash course in our government.
LEGISLATIVE: To write and pass laws. They must be passed by both chambers with the same wording, amendments, etc.
EXECUTIVE: To enforce the laws as passed. The President, as head on the Executive Brach, is the chief administrator. Case in point: The 26th Amendment to the Constitution states thus: The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.
Section 2
The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
So when Virginia removed ineligible voters, why did the President not uphold the law and fought it?
JUDICIAL: To rule on the laws AS PASSED. Is it NOT their job to legislate from the Bench, that is, change the wording or interpret it as they choose. Again, the US Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of Virginia. Guess which 3 dissented?
This brings us to our current election. We have the opportunity to vote for not one, but 2 judges to the State Supreme Court. The example above, to this writer, seems to show the disdain for the Constitution or the rule of law for certain judges.
We have candidates saying they are for cutting taxes, etc. However, the letter attached at the end of their name tells the story. One party believes, can and has been for letting us keep our money. Also, the letter at the end should represent their true ideology. It seems that “R” means another: RINO. We have a County Commissioner who has shown the real, true meaning of that letter, while the other 2, through their past actions, stand for the other. One candidate says it is time to move on, while supporting someone appointed and not elected by We the People. We can – and should – write in the true candidate who believes when someone is elected they are put there by the people and not to be removed. Think about it. We vote and then 2 others rescind that vote and basically tell the voting public we were wrong. As for the write in: the name must be spelled correctly. Also, when voting, you can ask for a list of write in candidates.
My closing argument for this election comes from Dan Bongino.
The Republicans may not be the solution to your problems, but the CAUSE of your problems is most definitely the democrats.
Keith Verros
Great Falls