Editors note: Some of the following images and language is disturbing and inappropriate for children.
There’s a FB page called ‘The Montana Resistance’ which, in my opinion, is inciting violence and hate against folks in our community.
Here’s a few examples of memes posted on their page:
A bayonet for wearing a MAGA hat? Please don’t try to tell me that these images aren’t inciting violence against Trump supporters.

What’s particularly troubling is that I noted a couple of local Great Falls folks I know personally ‘Liking’, following, and supporting this sick garbage.

I hope that some of the same people who were advocating for the ‘Hate Has No Home Here’ campaign recently after a white supremacy sticker was found in a book at the library will join in condemning this blatant bigotry and hatred.
Make no mistake – the stuff on that page is pure hate and will result in violence if it continues to fester. It has no place in our state and community, and while it is an expression of free speech, it’s not who we are or who we want to be in Montana or in Great Falls.