E-City Beat emailed local Montana legislative candidates who are in primaries requesting responses to three questions, which you’ll see below. Ballots for the June primary are currently arriving in mailboxes.
Today we are publishing responses from GOP candidates for HD 26, Jeremy Trebas, Sheridan Buck, and Rudy Tankink. Stay tuned for more candidate responses next week.

Jeremy Trebas
Why are you running for the office?
I see some things that need to change and I feel like the most effective way I can do that right now is through Legislative action as a Representative. I’m sticking to a few main planks or topics to focus on as far as what I’ll bring forward if elected. Those planks are criminal justice reform, decreasing what I’d call a “catch-and-release” system, standing against any new sales tax proposals in the State, promoting natural resource development as a way to grow our economy, jobs, and fund schools. The commodities market is down right now, but I don’t think it always will be and hopefully we can go back to some mode of normal soon. Lastly, I would like to be a voice in the Legislature for keeping laws and taxes fair and simple to understand.
Why are you running as a Republican?
I’m running as a Republican because it is the party for which I agree with the platform the most. The State GOP platform is the document that outlines the beliefs and aspirations of a wide swath of the party and is updated every two years at the party convention in June (of even years). Some key beliefs I align with the most are being pro-life, broad based and low rate tax systems, and more of a focus on individualism and self-reliance versus cradle-to-grave programs from the government. I think the GOP in aspiration is more cognizant in its approach to promoting freedom and liberty of the individual and its recognition of the potential abuses of government when it gets away from the Constitution of the United State and of the State of Montana. We have a republic for a reason and the GOP sticks closer to that ideal than the other parties, generally.
What makes you the best candidate in the race?
I feel like I will be the most effective advocate to influence other Legislators to vote for those planks I’ve outlined above. If I have accurately sensed the broad needs of the area I’m hoping to represent, I expect that I’ll be sent to the Capital to do so. I’ve been in the Legislature before and have stood up in front of committees and the House floor to attempt to pass legislation. I have many relationships with Legislators across the state already and they know they can trust me, even if we disagree on some things. Lastly, and most importantly, I’m not afraid to fight for what is what I think is right on principle and won’t be cajoled into doing anything I think would be wrong for the people I’ll represent.

Sheridan Buck
Why are you running for the office?
I am running for office as a Republican because I believe that Montana’s values are best reflected by the platform of the Republican Party. I am a committed Christian, and I enjoy working with youth and seniors, both in and out of church. I am invested in our community. I am a founding member of the Steering Committee that built a much-needed neighborhood Fire Station. That project was funded entirely by donations- not a single tax dollar! It is debt free, and it was built entirely by Great Falls Labor. I have been involved with Scouting for decades; our sons both earned the rank of Eagle Scout. I supported the Montana ANG as the Squadron’s Family Readiness Program Coordinator. I have helped to grill and serve over 1,200 no-cost steaks to Malmstrom’s Airmen.
I am a proud First-Generation Montanan- just like two-thirds of Montana’s governors have been! For three decades I was proud to be a military wife. My husband of 35 years is Great Falls’ own Lieutenant Colonel Mike Buck, an Iraq War combat veteran F-16 and F-15 fighter pilot and the retired Commander of the 186th Fighter Squadron, Montana Air National Guard, right here in Great Falls! He and I met when I was finishing college, and today he is my campaign manager! All three of our children attended public school in Great Falls. I am proud to say that all three of them are now U.S. Military officers! Our oldest son, Michael, is a decorated Lieutenant with the U.S. Army, serving as an Intelligence officer. Our son Woody is a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy and a U.S. Naval officer. Our daughter Caroline has followed in her dad’s footsteps- she is a proud U.S. Naval Aviator, currently flying the P-8 Poseidon aircraft.
What makes Sheridan Buck the best candidate for HD26?
Among other things, my 30-plus years of military life means that I understand the needs of both our Air Guard members and our Malmstrom Airmen. Our non-military citizens are equally important to me, and I want to protect their rights going forward! I am a Life Member of the National Rifle Association, and a Director with the Montana Shooting Sports Association. Since 2014 I have been endorsed by the NRA, the MSSA, and the Montana Family Foundation. I stand for good-paying jobs, great infrastructure, and outstanding public education!
I have ample experience in politics; I served as the Chairwoman of the Cascade County Republican Central Committee, a Congressional Committeewoman, and was twice elected as a Precinct Captain. I served two terms as an Election Judge and Poll Watcher, and have worked on over half a dozen successful campaigns.
Many people are tired of the same old story in Helena: too many legislators promise to uphold the will of their constituents, but once they arrive in Helena, they simply pursue their own agendas. I promise to represent all the citizens of House District 26 as your Fresh, Clear Voice of Common Sense in Helena!

Rudy Tankink
I support the United States Constitution and the Republican Platform. I believe citizen oversight is critical and we have an obligation to ensure that legislative bills are constitutional and are in the best interests of Montanans. The last straw was when I noticed that once some of the career politicians (aka Responsible Republicans) forgot who actually elected them. They worked to undermine the Republican Party by voting with Democrats the majority of the time. It boggles my mind to understand why they just don’t run as Democrats. When they vote as Democrats, there are a whole lot of us not being represented in Cascade County. We’ve just been lied to and fooled into thinking that because they have an “R” behind their name they are Republicans. Consequently, I’m throwing my hat in the ring to run for HD26 and try to turn that wrong into a right.
I bring a long list of accomplishments which enable me to be the best person to represent those living in HD26. I serve as Precinct Captain and former State Committeeman for Cascade County Republican Central Committee, was a 30-year member of Montana IBEW Union, serve on Faith Lutheran Church Foundation, served on Neighborhood Council 4, and served as Trustee for Trinity Lutheran Church. I am a proud lifetime member of NRA supporting our 2nd Amendment rights. I am also a member of Lutherans for Life organization which opposes the wanton destruction of innocent human life through legalized abortion-on-demand and the growing threat to the lives of others through legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia.
I am proud to say that I am a first generation American. I immigrated to from Holland, a socialist country, when I was 12. I firmly believe the United States of America is the land of opportunity and success awaits anyone with hard work and tenacity. We live in the greatest country on earth. Socialism never works, and I’ve seen first-hand what socialism does to a country. Like President Trump, I will fight tooth-and-nail to prevent America from becoming a socialist country.
I became a naturalized citizen and served at MAFB. After leaving the Air Force, I chose to stay in Montana and retired after 30 years as a lineman at Northwestern Energy (Montana Power Co). It is crucially important to me to give back to the community and to the country I love, because this country his given so much to me. Freedom, liberty and prosperity should never be taken for granted.
We live in interesting times with the Covid-19 pandemic and face a huge economic impact in the state. Montana is called the “Treasure State” for a reason. It is possible to responsibly utilize our natural resources such as oil/gas, coal, and timber to make our country energy independent and keep Montanans working.
I’ve taken the oath to the Constitution of the US and I take that oath very seriously. I believe that I am informed, willing, and able to represent the good people in my district and would appreciate your vote.
So Mr. Trebas, what in the Republican Platform do you not agree with? You use the term “generally “in your support of the Republican platform and why you are running as a Republican. What we do not need is another Solutions Caucus member . There is nothing more frustrating than listening to the Democrats crow about getting all they wanted in the last legislature, because they had Republicans voting with them. Support Rudy Tankink, he get its it when it comes to supporting the Republican party.