If you had asked a local Democrat just a week ago to rate Sheriff Jesse Slaughter’s job performance, they would have gushed about him — as Republicans would have, too, since Slaughter and his Undersheriff, Cory Reeves, have proven to be clearly capable, no matter the letter after their names. Anyone who is not a…
Joe Biden Throws A Temper Tantrum
In Geneva this week, Hunter Biden’s dad grew incredibly angry — at a State TV CNN reporter, incredibly. Following the summit with Vladimir Putin, CNN’s Kaitlin Collins asked Biden why he was “confident” that Putin would, after meeting with Biden, suddenly change his behavior. The president lost it, which you can see here (it’s an…
Republican Fred Burow Challenges Democrat Bob Kelly For Mayor
Yesterday, former City Commissioner Fred Burow filed to run for mayor, challenging incumbent Bob Kelly. It would be wise for anyone interested to ignore the “non-partisan” designation of these offices, and especially the pablum that the people who run for them regurgitate in order to conceal their true political leanings. The two men running to…
Cascade County Sheriff Slaughter Switches Party From Dem To GOP
On Tuesday, June 15, Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter announced that he is switching political party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. “It is my duty to serve all people of Cascade County to do this effectively I have to know I have the support of the party I have aligned myself with. So I am…
Jasmine Taylor Compares Greatest Generation To Antifa
In our continuing series featuring idiotic social media posts by local politicians, this one may win the grand prize. It’s hard to imagine a more offensive and clueless meme than the one proudly being posted on local “Social Justice Warrior” and two-time loser for Great Falls elective office Jasmine Taylor’s Facebook page. And yet, here…
“Public Servants?”
There is an accepted definition of racism in Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) that suggests that, by definition, all whites are racist and people of color cannot be racist. Rather than a ‘color blind’ society (the content of one’s character, and all that), racism has been redefined in Marxist terms to create a neat tautology. You see, according…
Citizen Responds To GF City Commissioners’ “Conflict Of Interest” Board Appointments
Call it what you will—Conflict of Interest by any other name is still Conflict of Interest The Great Falls City Commission voted 4-1 on June 1 to reappoint Big Sky Country National Heritage Area board members Rich Ecke and Ellen Sievert to the city/county Historic Preservation Commission (HPAC). Commissioner Tryon, the only dissenting vote, aptly…
Far Left Great Falls Dem Takes Down Ignorant Tweet
In our continuing series exposing local politicians who talk and behave one way during campaign season and a different way when they think the spotlight isn’t on them, we once again return to Democrat Barabara Bessette, a former Great Falls state Representative. Bessette was an incumbent who lost to GOP newcomer Steven Galloway in Cascade…
City “Aims High” But Does It Miss The Mark?
The Great Falls City Commission approved the Aim High Aquatics and Recreation Center Conditional Use Permit (CUP) at its meeting on May 18. Although cooperation between the Malmstrom Air Force Base and the city is promising and a replacement aquatics facility for the defunct Natatorium is long-awaited, I have a lot of concerns and questions…
Great Falls Crime Task Force Members Approved By City Commission
At last Tuesday’s Great Falls City Commission meeting we approved the following local folks as appointees to the newly formed Great Falls Crime Task Force: Mary Lynne Billy – Indian Family Health Clinic Shawna Jarvey – transition consultant, Benefis Health Nichole Griffith – Victim Witness Program Sandra Guynn – chair of Neighborhood Council of Councils…