Guest Opinion: Rise Above Partisanship, Legislators

The Montana Legislature meets for ninety days every two years. Please, oh please, Representative Dude and Senator Dudette, don’t make us wish it was two days every ninety years.

Be civil. Be sensible. Don’t put your party or your own political ambitions above doing what’s right.

The efficacy of your work won’t be judged by the number of bills you pass, your ideological purity, or your good intentions. Your work this session will be judged by the real impact it has on the prosperity, liberty and opportunities preserved for your constituents.

For example, it was reported that Senate President Scott Sales, Republican from Bozeman, said recently at the Montana Chamber breakfast that he would probably not vote for any infrastructure bill. I hope that any Republican who thinks that way would reconsider.

While government wasteful spending is bad, bad, bad, common sense says – no, screams – that building and repairing public infrastructure is exactly the kind of spending state and local governments should be focusing on. As long as the goal is to promote the common good and not to create more bureaucracy and make-work for favored constituencies, well planned and carefully prioritized infrastructure is exactly what our state needs.

We sorely need to create an economic climate in Montana that attracts and retains more and higher paying private sector jobs. Roads, bridges, water projects and high speed internet, etc., are essential to that end. So lets not play, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the ideologically purest of them all?” on either side of the aisle.

By the way, and here I digress a bit, Senator Sales is one of the GOP contestants in the “Who Wants To Replace Ryan Zinke?” show. A couple of others who have thrown in their Montana cowboy hats are Great Falls’ own, Republican Senator Ed Buttrey and Democrat Casey Schreiner.

Former GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte, Public Service Commission Vice Chair (and Great Falls High School grad) Travis Kavulla, newly elected State Auditor Matt Rosendale and Democrat Rep. Amanda Curtis are a few other names rumored to be possible entries in the Congressional race.

The state Central Committees from each party will entertain their respective list of interested candidates and select one to go on to a special election sometime in the very near future. Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a U.S. Congressperson from Great Falls? Yes, Rick, it would be way cool.

Anyway, back to our Montana legislative session. Congratulations and good luck to all of those who are sacrificing to go to Helena and serve as citizen legislators. We need you all to behave with honesty, integrity and goodwill. We love our Treasure State and we don’t want to be in the economic doldrums anymore. We have yuuuuuuuge potential here and we are trusting y’all to get ‘er done in the next 90 days.

In conclusion, all of you hardworking Montana Reps and Sens shouldn’t think of yourselves as Democrats or Republicans. Instead, think of yourselves as employees under the watchful eye of your boss. Because that is exactly what you are. Now get to work.

The Battle To Replace Ryan Zinke: Legislative Edition

With Ryan Zinke expected to sail through Senate confirmation hearings to become Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Interior, Montana politicians are rapidly angling to replace him in the U.S. House.

The very good Mike Dennison has a piece profiling six sitting legislators and how their Congressional aspirations might affect the 2017 session.

For Republicans, Sen. Ed Buttrey, a Great Falls businessman, was the first to announce his candidacy. Buttrey hails from the moderate wing of the GOP, is good friends with Zinke, and would likely approximate most of Zinke’s policy positions. His leading role in expanding Montana Medicaid did not endear him to more conservative Republicans, however — and it’s precisely these right-wing Central Committee members who will choose a nominee for the special election. If Buttrey can survive the hothouse of the state Central Committee (a big “if”), he would stand an excellent chance to win.

Other names include 29 year-old Rep. Daniel Zolnikov – Billings, as well as Senate President Scott Sales – Bozeman. Old charges of dark money (“Drain the Swamp?”) would indisputably follow Sales, who — perhaps to Dennison’s point — does not appear as though he will play nice this session, nor does he seem interested in legislating from anywhere other than the extreme right:

This is hardly surprising. Sales often stakes out far-right positions on bills, yet seldom enforces the “whip” on his members, instead letting his caucus make up its own mind. Of the two leaders from within the legislative chambers, Rep. and House Speaker Austin Knudsen is the more thoughtful and more likely to make a lasting impact as a conservative leader. People might see him as a better choice than Sales if it’s a leader from the Legislature they are looking for.

On the Democratic side, Reps. Amanda Curtis – Butte, Casey Schreiner – Great Falls, and Kelly McCarthy – Billings have all entered the fray. One has to assume, though, that in a red state, and competing in an election so closely removed from a strong Republican November, any Democrat not named Brian Schweitzer will almost certainly face an uphill battle.

Coming later in the week: a look at other announced and rumored candidates from outside the Legislature.

The Russian “Hacking” Narrative Destroyed In Just 12 Tweets

H/T to Twitchy, for compiling Iowahawk’s complete and total takedown of the Democrats’ and the mainstream media’s myth that the Russians “hacked” the 2016 Presidential Election.

It took him just 12 tweets:


Montana Projects to Lose Revenue — Democrats’ Answer? More Government!

As the 2017 legislature session kicks off tomorrow in Helena, the prospect of declining revenue and a leaner budget looms over everything.

From the Helena IR:

After leaving a $300 million rainy day fund at the end of the 2015 Legislature, the state was looking at a roughly $225 million hole if it didn’t make adjustments. The $4.7 billion budget proposed by Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock was drafted to deal with declining oil, gas and coal revenues as well as slowed growth in income and property tax collections. It contains $110 million in spending cuts and $123 million in new taxes.

‘Priority one, two and three this session, unfortunately, is the budget,’ Speaker of the House Austin Knudsen, R-Culbertson, said Friday. ‘In order to get necessary government funded and fund just existing programs we’re going to have to be looking in the couch cushions pretty hard for loose change this session.’

Nevertheless, Montana Democrats, in typical big-government fashion, remain hellbent on increasing spending.



Query: if revenues are down, what is the more measured legislative response: to heed the advice of Speaker Knudsen, and look for common-sense belt-tightening, or to raise taxes and grow government largesse? Moreover, with respect to Rep. Miller’s nearly two-year old tweet, should Democrats entertain a compromise with the majority party, or would it be better public policy to hector an overwhelming spate of popularly elected Republicans for the sake of “the kids?”

And, We’re Off!

Several Great Falls and Montana residents have decided this is a perfect time to compliment existing print and TV news, with an online news blog to explore various issues and their effects on Great Falls and Montana residents.

Our idea stems from the Great Gregg Smith, who hung up his spurs after a successful run with Electric City Weblog, en route to a first-ballot Hall of Fame blogging career. We miss ECW!

Our Editor and Publisher Kelly Parks, entrepreneur, believes that like her grandfather’s numerous newspapers in the early 1900’s, the public has a right to know all sides of a story.

Our vision is to explore and add depth and discussion to newsworthy matters that many of our readers have requested.

It took a bit of time and some serious discussion, but alas here we are.

Even The Left Sees Through The Clintons’ New McCarthyism

H/T to Democracy NOW!, via Glenn Greenwald:

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald says Democrats have adopted a “Cold War McCarthyite kind of rhetoric” by accusing many its critics of having ties to Russia. “It’s sort of this constant rhetorical tactic to try and insinuate that anyone opposing the Clintons are somehow Russian agents, when it’s the Clintons who actually have a lot of ties to Russia, as well,” Greenwald said. “I mean, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton helped Russian companies take over uranium industries in various parts of the world. He received lots of Russian money for speeches.”

Read the whole thing here.

Give Him An “A” For Honesty

H/T to BizPacReview, for exposing the worst-kept secret in this year’s 2016 presidential election: the mainstream media, particularly CNN, is totally in the bag for Hillary Clinton:

Witness CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the man who called Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort a liar and debated Rudy Giuliani for 32 break-less minutes on the ridiculous liberal interpretation of Trump’s Second Amendment statement, wax eloquent during a 2014 segment during which he and another host were discussing Clinton’s potential entry into the race.

“It’s a problem because she’s doing what they call in politics “freezing pockets,” because the donors are giving her money thinking she’s going to run, that means they’re not going to have available money for other candidates if she doesn’t.” Cuomo said. “And I don’t think she’s going to give it to them. We couldn’t help her any more than we have, she’s got just a free ride so far from the media, we’re the biggest ones promoting her campaign, so it had better happen.”

Wikileaks Now Viewed Favorably by Majority of Americans

A fun tweet today from Wikileaks, who now boasts a net positive favorable approval rating within the U.S. The whistleblower group has pounded on Hillary Clinton and the DNC in recent weeks, much to the delight of Republicans, and evidently, to a majority of Americans.

The interesting question, though, is whether or not the Wikileaks poll “knows” something the mainstream polls don’t. Either way, this doesn’t appear to bode well for HRC.