This morning, we published a post by George Nikolakakos, leader of the Great Falls Area Concerned Citizens group opposing the slaughterhouse.
In the interests of balance, several days ago we also reached out to Todd Hanson of Norseman Consulting Group, who has been working with project developer Friesen Foods. We hope Hanson will take us up on our offer to write.
Since this is a such an important community issue with many layers to it, I would also invite anyone else who has some degree of knowledge and who can write to please do so.
We want your IDEAS!
Would you please ask him just who the hell really owns Friesen? And how long before the Chinese own it? It appears they already do, for they are buying up this country’s ag faster than you can say hog plant! Just when did the Hoots sell out?
I’m sure I am doing this wrong but I’m not totally familiar with posting on this site. What I would like to know is if they passed an ordinance against smoking in the bars why in the hell is the do bar able to circumvent that law