Both of my kids are products of the Great Falls public school system. Both of my Grandchildren look to follow that path as well. 3 years ago when I was asked to run the school board, I was NOT interested, until I explored further. I have always felt, don’t complain if you are not willing to do something about it. So, I tossed my hat in the ring.
I have been a financial advisor for 22 years, here in GF. My strengths for the board are that I am a rational thinker, budgeter, numbers cruncher, and generally a positive person. Our children are our future, and are the #1 priority in my mind, above all else. The school board’s role is to advocate for all children in our district.
Once you look for the good in our district, you will find an abundance of it. We have nearly 11,000 staff and students in and out of our doors every day. I listen, ask questions, listen more, ask the right questions to the right people, and then make a logical decision, when the information changes, I give myself permission to change that direction as needed.
I certainly like having a seat at the table, and would certainly like to continue the work. I also sit on the state school board as well as GFPS board, making a positive impact on a bigger scale. That board has the ability to bring bills to the state legislators using more resources to effect positive change in the public schools state wide.
My hobbies and interests have been numerous. I have been a conservative and a Christian my whole life. I am a lifelong donor to the American Red Cross, giving 12 gallons of whole blood and 150 Platelets donations to date. I am a Rotary past President and past Governor for the state of Mt. I am the current president of the Electric City noon Toastmasters club, achieving my DTM in ‘17.
My wife of 37 years and I are active hockey players and I am the vice President of the Ice Foundation. I was active duty Air Force for 6 years. My hobbies also include, hunting, golfing, yard work, and lovin on our grandkids.
I see the biggest challenge that we have in our district is to improve communication. From the standard parent notices about the day to day school specific notices, to the community wide, big announcements, I feel that we can do better.
The 2nd is how we fund public schools. From the state and local taxpayer perspective, it is far too complicated. Once you get your arms around it, it makes some sense. I have been on the budget and insurance committees for 3 years and that has definite been a learning curve.
I look forward to serving as your trustee for another 3 years, and I would appreciate your vote.
I want to know your position regarding using the public school systems for social engineering. I want to know your position regarding the reasons that such a huge percentage of GFPS students/graduates are not college prepared in math, sciences and reading proficiency.
I want to know what you hope to do to remedy these concerns.
Thank you for your request. Our district’s strategy plan for this current year has very detailed steps to get the learning loss back and bring back the absentee Children. On the district website. We are completing the plan for next year and it is also very robust. All of this is not an easy fix and will take time. The new ELA curriculum will help and the teachers will implement that this fall. Moving that needle is work. Our academic rates, graduation rates, and the states are not good. We were not 100% before the Covid remote happened and everyone lost ground. Last year my focus’s was to keep us IN SCHOOL.
Thank you for your service !!!
Ecitybeat, after spending $26 to get a report full report on my self, I found (and I knew) that I have not had ANY kind of run in the GFPD !!! I have several friends within the department who I can reach out to search their data base, but that should not be necessary.
Mr / Ms Cash is not accurate and I request that you pull that comment off your site.
Thank you