Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’.

As a way to partially fulfill my personal commitment to working for transparent and responsive City government I’ll be posting brief weekly previews and recaps of Great Falls City Commission work sessions and regular meetings.
The idea is to highlight a few of the upcoming City Commission meeting topics that would be especially relevant and interesting to local citizens and to encourage your feedback, ideas and input, through the comments section here and by your personal attendance at the meetings if possible.
You can find the full agenda and agenda packets for the upcoming meeting, as well as minutes for previous meetings, here – https://greatfallsmt.net/meetings
WORK SESSION – Tuesday February 4, 5:30 PM Gibson Room – Civic Center
1. Library Strategic Plan – Susie McIntyre.
2. Civic Center Facade Project Update – Craig Raymond, Melissa Kinzler and Tony Houtz.
Interesting and important information here and as always there will be time available for public comment. View the entire agenda here.
REGULAR MEETING – Tuesday February 4, 7:00 PM Commission Chambers
Among the items of special interest will be:
Ordinance 3200, repealing and replacing Title 17, Chapter 36 of the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) pertaining to parking, and reserving Chapters 33 through 35. Action: Accept or not accept Ord. 3200 on first reading and (set/not set) a public hearing for March 3, 2020. (Presented by Craig Raymond)
Even though the agenda item concerning Ordinance 3200 is a vote on first reading the presentation is important because it deals with the issue of streamlining our development process. View the entire agenda here.
This is your city government and these issues affect you and your family. YOU’RE THE BOSS.