________________________________________________________________________ Now that Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent Tammy Lacey has announced her retirement at the end of this school year we’d like to make a couple of observations and ask a couple of questions. The success of our local public school system should be judged by the quality of educational outcomes for students,…
Author: ECB Staff
Opinion: CSKT Water Compact
________________________________________________________________________ Editors note: E-City Beat does not take a position on the CSKT Water Compact. We are posting this editorial in our ongoing mission to help our readers stay informed on state and local issues. We welcome any editorial submissions presenting the opposing side of this editorial. Legislative Committee Urges Federal Approval of CSKT…
Local 4-H Enrollment Opens Online September 15
________________________________________________________________________ E-City Beat is pleased to share the following as a public service to local readers. PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jerrica Seilstad August 9, 2018 MSU Extension Agent, Cascade County 406-454-6980 Jerrica.seilstad@montana.edu CASCADE COUNTY 4-H ENROLLMENT OPENS ONLINE SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 www.mt.4honline.com Cascade County, MT—Enrollment for the 2018-2019 4-H year opens online…
Does Size Matter? Great Falls Trump Rally Video Shows Long Lines
________________________________________________________________________ An E-City Beat reader sent us this video which was posted on Facebook last week after President Trumps visit to Great Falls. It shows the very long lines waiting to get in to the Four Seasons venue for the Presidents speech. This confirms that the interest in and support for the Trump rally…
Former GF Tribune Reporter Thinks Trump Supporters Are Inbred?
________________________________________________________________________ Local readers continue to send us screenshots and reactions to Presidents Trumps recent visit to Great Falls. Some of the comments are positive and in support of the President while others are downright vile and vicious in their hatefulness. Here’s an example of both from the Tribunes own Facebook page: What we…
Commissioner Mary Moe’s Embarrassing And Outrageous Comments
________________________________________________________________________ We’ve received several emails and screenshots of some local reaction to President Trumps visit to Great Falls on Thursday. This first one is particularly relevant because it is Great Falls City Commissioner Mary Moe’s post about some Montana Catholic priests who attended the rally. Uhmmm, just out of curiosity, how would Mary Moe…
Welcome, President Trump! Pay No Attention To The Haters.
________________________________________________________________________ E-City Beat would like to extend a big, hearty “WELCOME TO GREAT FALLS!” to the President and Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces. We’re not only proud to welcome President Trump, we’re excited and grateful that he has chosen our town for a Montana rally. Just consider the thousands and thousands of…
State Historic Preservation Office Cautions GFPS On GFHS Work
________________________________________________________________________ In a letter to City of Great Falls Planning and Community Development Deputy Director Tom Micuda, John Boughton, National Register Coordinator for the State Historic Preservation Office of the Montana Historical Society said, “We sincerely hope that the proposed addition to Great Falls High School is done in a manner that respects the…
Great Falls Suicide Survivor Speaks Out
Editors note: for obvious reasons, E-City Beat is respecting the writers request for anonymity. Suicide has no face because it is the face of everyone; I am one of those faces, I just happened to survive but I wasn’t supposed to. Suicide lives in the minds of those with radiant smiles and intoxicating laughs, in…
Candidate Profile: Michael K. Cooper Sr. (R) HD 26
Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the…