In House District 23 GOP candidate Scot Kerns is running against Democrat Brad Hamlett. Here is Kerns’ response and profile. Hamlett did not respond to our request.
Background Information
My name is Scot Kerns. I am 33 years old, not married and no kids. In my free time, I definitely enjoy spending time cycling. I am currently a member of the Great Falls Bicycling Club. Time spent on the River’s Edge Trail both on a bicycle and walking my little beagle, her name is Auggie, is some of the best time! Currently, I serve two Christian Congregations as their Pastor in both Power and Fairfield Montana. Also, I am in midst of going back to College for a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Montana – College of Business. I voluntarily separated (Honorable Discharge) from the Air Force at Malmstrom AFB in January, where prior to that, I served as an Air Force Officer.
Why are you running for the office?
I made the big jump into the political waters in order to make a difference in our Great Falls community. I saw that we need someone to speak up on relevant issues and stand the line. One example would be access to quality on-going mental health care, for both our active military, veterans, and for all others in our local community. This is something that desperately needs someone who is willing to speak the truth, and call out the suicide epidemic that Montana faces. Montana, currently has the highest rate of suicides among all U.S. States. More has got to be done!
Why are you running as a Republican?
I am running as a Republican. More than that, I am an American! When I joined the Military, I raised my right hand and swore that “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” This oath did not have an expiration date nor do I feel any different today. I believe in our Constitution. I believe in our country! In these uncertain times especially with all the virus craziness, I believe that we can together endure and rebuild! America has had her fair share of struggles along the way, sure, but we as Americans have continued on and continued to grow into the greatest nation in the world. A Great Nation that holds life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the highest of ideals. This I will continue to defend!
What are a couple of issues in the state legislature that you could work on to help Great Falls and Cascade County grow and prosper?
I have been going to door to door in this campaign, asking what are the important issues that are actually on the minds of people. It is been very telling, as education, healthcare and job loss are three that stand out. These are issues that the state legislature should address. Great Falls and Cascade County are not absolved from responsibility, as well and we need local representatives who will continue to make our community better. On the state level, I believe that we need to empower our local communities rather than dictating from Helena what has to be done. I believe we can keep government and legislative bureaucracy (red tape) to bear minimum. This includes fighting against a state sales tax!
What makes you the best candidate in the race?
I believe in America. I believe in Montana. I believe that we need to preserve the great treasures that we have here! As a Veteran, Clergy, and Conservative Montanan; I believe that I can speak and fight for all Great Falls and Cascade County! Elect Kerns!