In House District 24 GOP candidate Steven Galloway is running against Democrat Barbara Bessette. Here is Galloway’s response and profile. Bessette did not respond to our request.
Steven E. Galloway
I am a Great Falls native and third generation Montanan. Married to Representative Lola Sheldon-Galloway for 39 years. We have 6 adult children and 14 GRANDKIDS! My grandkids are a part of my motivation to serve in HD 24.
I have helped run a motel while growing up, contracted in construction for 12 years, currently operate home and apartment rentals for over 45 years, own and operate a retail building-hardware store, also 2 food services for over 36 years. I have volunteered coaching kids in many sports, served in our church as a teacher, counselor, executive secretary, facilities representative over 10 buildings, and unit budget auditor. I have served on a condominiums board and have bought and sold real-estate. We were awarded best improved rental by Neighborworks for 2009-2010. I have developed a sense of how to operate within ones means. Needs before wants! We started with nothing and have lived the American dream! We like to serve in our church and community. I love old cars and like to tinker on them.
I believe hard work gets results! God blesses us with talents to share by serving others. I wish to share my acquired knowledge and experience in serving you in the next state legislature.
We really need to get a handle on our states spending. We need to cover Montana’s needs before wants. We need to root out waste and inefficiencies. We can see more dollars invested in local economies if we can operate the state government more efficiently and reduce tax burdens on our citizens. I know how to balance budgets, cut waste, increase productivity with training and positive reinforcement!
Education has to be a priority at all levels.
I feel the property tax appraisal system is inequitable and needs revamped to be a more fair, transparent and uniform method.
We need to responsibly and effectively develop our natural resources.
We need to continue to promote Montana’s tourism.
We need to keep our agriculture products competitive with the world.
I believe in strong sentencing for violent crimes. My sister Susan was murdered in 1982 by her fiancée and we have had to fight his probation every few years. We need to work to find better options for nonviolent offenders then just locking them up.
The Republican platform aligns best with my free enterprising spirit. I still try to see both sides of every issue. My perspective is the sum of my experiences. Your perspective will be based on your experiences. We should always be able to share our perspectives to find the BEST options to governing our great State. My wife(LOLA) and other legislators service is an inspiration to me. We really can make a difference. We believe in limited government! We believe that our state’s financial woes are not
from lack of taxes but rather in part from wasteful spending, lack of planning and over site. We believe in basic government. Local issues are best addressed by local government! We need legislators who can analyze and pass legislation that is effective now and in the future. We believe free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought our nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity. We believe the government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money we earn. We believe in the Constitution of the United States of America. We believe in LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS.
I encourage you to put me to work for YOU in the next legislature. Let me be YOUR voice.
Candidate HD 24
Steven E. Galloway