Imagine going to work every day to protect and serve your community.
Imagine being the wife, a son or daughter, the mother, father or other loved one of a local law-enforcement officer who goes out to serve and protect our community every day.
Imagine that.

Then imagine seeing ‘F— The Police’ spray-painted on the side of a downtown building. That happened in Great Falls a couple of weekends ago. Right downtown in our hometown.
A lot of our friends and neighbors don’t have to imagine the kind of stress and fear associated with seeing themselves and their loved ones, our local law-enforcement folks, insulted, shamed and smeared on a regular basis – because they live it. Every day.
It’s time for the Great Falls silent majority to show up and to stand up and be counted.
The opportunity to show the world how much we love, appreciate, and respect all of our local law-enforcement, law-enforcement personnel, and law-enforcement families and loved ones is this Saturday, October 3.
Our rally will start at 1:00 PM, Saturday, October 3rd at the Gibson Park Band Shell. Bring signs, flags, balloons etc.
We will hear some comments from local law-enforcement and family members and then we will walk over to the Great Falls Police Department HQ to give them three big ‘hip hip hooray’s’. We will walk back to the band shell and give the Cascade County Sheriff’s Office three big ‘hip hip hooray’s’.
In addition to the rally, Wendy Dick is organizing a ‘Black the Blue Ride’ in conjunction with the rally.
All cars and motorcycles are welcome to join in the drive around downtown displaying your flags and signs in support of local law-enforcement. There might even be some honkin’ goin’ on.
The ride will form up at the Mitchell Pool parking lot starting around 11:30 AM.
For the rally, we ask that you wear a mask if you can and practice social distancing at this outdoor event, per City County Health Department guidelines. We will have hand sanitizer stations available.
The Great Falls Community Police Foundation will have a table at the rally selling ‘Back The Blue’ signs to raise funds to aid the Great Falls Police Department with purchases of equipment and education not accounted for in the annual budget.
And please remember that this is not a demonstration AGAINST anyone or anything. It is a community show of support FOR our awesome law-enforcement folks and families and law-enforcement personnel.
Let’s show the world how much Great Falls loves, supports, and appreciates local law-enforcement.
I support law inforcers
I support law enforcers!