On Tuesday, June 15, Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter announced that he is switching political party affiliation from Democrat to Republican.
“It is my duty to serve all people of Cascade County to do this effectively I have to know I have the support of the party I have aligned myself with. So I am officially kicking off my reelection campaign to remain your Sheriff. I hope I can count on your support as I move my name to the Republican ticket“, Slaughter said in a video posted to his Facebook page.
In addition, Sheriff Slaughter explained in the video, “…From the very beginning I’ve made made it no secret that I’m a Constitutionalist. And that I believe in the Constitution and that I believe it’s concrete and not up to a progressive interpretation. Unfortunately, throughout my term so far I have repeatedly come under fire for my pro Constitution beliefs.
Twice in public meetings Democrat public officials have tried to censor my words and opinions because they did not agree with me. I’ve been chastised publicly and privately for standing up for peoples individual rights and your Second Amendment rights. In one instance I was completely ignored by the states Democrat leader when I sought help for our jail overcrowding issue.“
You can watch the full approximately 5 minute video here.
Slaughter cited the following as one of his reasons for his decision to switch parties:
“Recently an outspoken former Democrat candidate shared a controversial post on her official campaign page. The post clearly aligned her and those that believe in her with the terrorist organization Antifa.
I’ve asked the Democrat Central Committee that the candidate had gone too far and would the party tell her to stop. As of this video I have received no response from the Democrat party and their leadership.”
E-City Beat published the post in question, which was posted by Jasmine Taylor, a week ago. You can read our blog commentary here.

In response to Sheriff Slaughter running for re-election as a Republican Cascade County Republican Central Committee Chair Cyndi Baker said in a press release:
As chair of the Cascade County Republican Central Committee I would like to welcome Sheriff Jesse Slaughter to the party of common sense and American values. He has the support of every republican legislator in Cascade County.
As the most recent election showed, our county is now solidly red and there is no reason to think that this switch will do anything but enhance his future election prospects.
We share his concerns regarding lack of respect for the profession of law enforcement by the Democratic party as well as the local candidates who have aligned themselves with radical and even terrorist organizations.
We laud Sheriff Slaughter’s desire to stand up for all the citizens in Cascade County and know he will continue to do an outstanding job no matter the party designation.
We are the “big tent” party and we welcome any other democrat office holder or constituent who feels that their voice is not being heard or their concerns are not being addressed.“