Jasmine Taylor Compares Greatest Generation To Antifa

In our continuing series featuring idiotic social media posts by local politicians, this one may win the grand prize.

It’s hard to imagine a more offensive and clueless meme than the one proudly being posted on local “Social Justice Warrior” and two-time loser for Great Falls elective office Jasmine Taylor’s Facebook page.

And yet, here it is. Behold the nastiness and stupidity!

Nothing more needs to be said.

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10 Replies to “Jasmine Taylor Compares Greatest Generation To Antifa”

  1. […] E-City Beat published the post in question, which was posted by Jasmine Taylor, a week ago. You can read our blog commentary here. […]


  2. […] went on to express his disagreement with Democrats who back what he described as terrorist […]


  3. […] went on to express his disagreement with Democrats who back what he described as terrorist […]


  4. […] went on to express his disagreement with Democrats who back what he described as terrorist […]


  5. […] went on to express his disagreement with Democrats who back what he described as terrorist […]


  6. […] went on to express his disagreement with Democrats who back what he described as terrorist […]


  7. […] went on to express his disagreement with the Democrats already come back what he described as terrorist […]


  8. […] went on to express his disagreement with Democrats who back what he described as terrorist […]


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