_______________________________________________________________________ Is the Great Falls Public School District on the right path or the wrong path? E-City Beat’s dialogue, and yes criticism, about the way the Great Falls Public School District operates has brought out two distinct camps of thought; one that has serious doubts about the managerial skills exhibited by the district’s administration, and…
Category: GFPS
Salary Increase For New GFPS Superintendent
________________________________________________________________________ We challenge our readers to take 4 minutes and watch the video we’ve linked below from the Open The Books website. It’s quite revealing and a little shocking. And we would like to remind our readers how much money our Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent and top administrators are making, as we noted…
Tammy, Turn Up The Heat
________________________________________________________________________ Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent Tammy Lacey’s recent Tuesday proclamation included a defense from the complaints by students and parents that some of the classrooms in the District are too cold and uncomfortable. One of the comments from a reader on the E-City Beat Facebook page actually referred to local students shivering in…
Heat Or No Heat? That Is The Question.
________________________________________________________________________ THIS JUST IN! For all of those requiring verification that Great Falls Public Schools system has heating problems, take a look at this: “Mrs Rossberg’s room (105) is unnecessarily cold. Recent problems with the school heating system has led to this room’s temperature being neglected. The worst part of winter is coming and…
Popsicles are meant to be frozen, not kids. Since the passage of the 2016 $98M school bond, the new construction is popping up all over the district, but what about the repairs that were needed to existing schools? The taxpayers were told over and over again what bad shape our schools were in after 50…
Are Taxpayers Being Treated Like Turkeys By GFPS?
________________________________________________________________________ The following is from the Great Falls Public Schools Board meeting agenda, 11-12-18 page 62. We have some additional information and questions at the end. “TOPIC Proposed District Office and Warehouse Complex Study/Design BACKGROUND On October 4, 2016, the elementary and high school bond elections were approved by the voters. As a part…
Playing Favorites?
________________________________________________________________________ By now most property owners have received their pre-Thanksgiving gifts from the Cascade County tax folks. A significant amount of the universal tax increase is due to the 2016 $98M school bond passage, the last 1/3 of the bond sale is now reflected in your tax amounts. Once you have recovered from the…
Conflict Coddlers
________________________________________________________________________ What are conflicts of interest and who are the Conflict Coddlers? Most folks in Great Falls have heard about conflicts of interest, but how many know what they are and how to recognize them? We have heard about the recent Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding corruption concerning elected City officials influencing the doling…
Let’s Help GFPS Trustees Spend More Time With Their Families
________________________________________________________________________ The reaction to Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent Tammy Lacey’s recent resignation was as one would expect, polarized. Some folks celebrated Lacy’s departure, and some, typically those “riding for the brand”, bemoaned what they believed was a significant loss to the District. The dichotomy of Lacey’s tenure can be reduced to her actions,…
Computers, Homework, The Internet, And The Great Falls Public School District
________________________________________________________________________ Editors note: The folks at CTR Computers sent this information to us and we thought it would be helpful and informative for local parents of GFPS students. BY CTR COMPUTERS Here at CTR Computers, where we service, clean , repair and sell quality refurbished systems, I would like to address an issue…