Editors note: the following is a letter from Great Falls City Commissioner Joe McKenney to the Great Falls Association of Realtors and Montana Association of Realtors. Overview The purpose of this memorandum is to express strong opposition to HB20 from a public safety perspective. This bill proposes changing voted levies from being stated in mills…
Category: Great Falls
‘Montana Resistance’ Inciting Violence Online?
Editors note: Some of the following images and language is disturbing and inappropriate for children. There’s a FB page called ‘The Montana Resistance’ which, in my opinion, is inciting violence and hate against folks in our community. Here’s a few examples of memes posted on their page: A bayonet for wearing a MAGA hat? Please…
Changes And Upgrades For Great Falls
As we move into 2025 I want to take the opportunity to highlight a few of the changes, improvements, and opportunities coming to Great Falls in the coming year and on the near horizon. Thanks in large part to COVID relief and ARPA funding, both of which were one-time funding sources, the City of Great…
Will Great Falls Dems Learn Or Continue To Lose?
On October 10th I posted my predications for Election Day 2024 on my personal Facebook page, which you can read here. Here is a summary of those predictions with some added after-the-fact comments: “Montana remains ruby red with all statewide offices being won by the GOP, including Gianforte winning by a lot over Busse.” Both…
Can The City Of Great Falls Reduce Spending?
Lat week the Great Falls City Commission passed the City’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget. You can view the budget details here. This year’s budget included a marginal tax increase for local property owners – $2.25 per month for a $300,000 home. I’ve received several general questions about how our budget works and so I’d like…
Great Falls Arson Suspect Arrested And GFFR Independence Day Calls
Here are two press releases from Great Falls Fire Rescue outlining some of the activity during the Independence Day holiday in Great Falls.
Great Falls Dems: F-bombs Okay For We, But Not For Thee
Ken Toole, writer and co-founder of the local kooky, far left Democrat wtf406 blog wins “Local Hypocrite of the Year” – hands down. In his recent rant on wtf406 Toole plops out his phony angst over his 11 year old grandson seeing a “F*** Biden” sign on a pickup truck at an area boat ramp….
Great Falls Is Not Filled With Bigots
In light of some of the recent chatter around town I thought this would be a good time to offer my own opinion on the character of my hometown. I grew up in Great Falls in the 1960’s and 1970’s. I raised my own two daughters here and helped to get a couple of my…
GOP Primary Candidate Profiles: HD20, Steven Galloway Vs Melissa Nikolakakos
Editors note: All of the local Great Falls/Cascade County legislative and county commission contests in the June 4 primary election are Republican. Here are the profiles submitted by the candidates in House District 20, Steven Galloway and Melissa Nikolakakos, unedited: Steven Galloway I am Representative Steven E Galloway currently serving my second term in HD24…
June 4 Local Primary Features All GOP Candidates, No Dems
All of the local Great Falls/Cascade County legislative and county commission candidates appearing on the upcoming June 4 primary election ballot will be Republicans. Today E-City Beat sent an email to all of those candidates requesting a candidate profile and their reasons for seeking office. We will publish their responses without edits or editorial comment…