Editor’s note: The following is a piece from one of our readers who is a local consumer, Jo Russell. We thought it was pretty interesting and hope you do too. Just curious if anyone knows why… Last week, a friend told me that the eggs she preferred to buy at a local supermarket had increased…
Category: Great Falls
The Whole Truth
Are we getting the whole truth about the $13.9 million in new levies that the Great Falls Public School District ($1.348 million) and the City of Great Falls ($12.6 million) wants us to approve? And if we, the taxpayers, don’t approve them will that cause the dire consequences listed in their distributed promotional materials? Okay…
Park Pickpocket
Did you know that the City of Great Falls is spending Great Falls taxpayers money to promote a ballot measure to, wait for it…get more of Great Falls taxpayers money! The Great Falls Parks and Recreation Department’s yearly Summer Guide, paid for with our tax dollars, came out today in the Tribune and last week…
Loser Out
In the midst of a conflicts of interest plague, Great Falls seems relegated to loser out status in the tournament of economic development in our state. Why has Great Falls lost population, manufacturing jobs and a brighter outlook for the future? Certainly, Great Falls Development Authority chief Brett Doney’s stated solution to the problem: “we…
Little Free Library Is A Whole Lot Of Cool
Have you seen the little wooden houses on posts in front yards around town? They look kind of like bird houses with a glass door on the front. Those are Little Free Library boxes most likely. What is a Little Free Library? “Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading,…
Local City And County Board Openings
There are a couple of local government boards with fast approaching application deadlines readers should be aware of (and might be interested in applying for) – The Great Falls Ethics Committee and the Cascade County Zoning Board of Adjustments. The newly created City Ethics Committee is seeking three members to serve three, two and one…
Principles Or Politics
A couple of months ago during the Great Falls City Commission campaign, I posted a Facebook request for then candidate Mary Moe calling for her to provide voters with a definitive position on historic monuments and references to local figures. The Columbus Day post was recently reposted to E-City Beat. I think it is safe…
How Are We To Select A Great Falls Ethics Committee?
Let’s say you needed to find a watchdog because your henhouse was recently raided by some foxes. Would you go to the local fox den and ask the occupants therein, some with feathers still clinging to their little chins, to select the best watchdog to keep an eye on your cluckers? The Great Falls City…
On Tax Abatements: Billings Says “Yes” Where Great Falls Says “No”
Back in the day, oh, forty or fifty years ago, there was an ongoing friendly competition between Great Falls and Billings as to which was the best and biggest city. The two Montana big dogs battling for bragging rights. I remember because I was a young sprout at the time, delivering the Great Falls Leader,…
Former Mayor Michael Winters Goes On The Record
On Tuesday, May 16, Gregg Smith wrote a post about the City’s CDBG allocation process, our fifth and most recent article on the topic. Since the publication of our first CDBG content on April 27, this blog has received nearly 8,000 page views. Suffice it to say, then, that this has swelled into an issue of significant community interest. Things…