E-City Beat has invited local political candidates for legislature and county office to send us a profile and summary of their reasons for running. See email text below.
FRED ANDERSON (R) HD20 – anderson.for.legislature.hd20@gmail.com
SAMANTHA RISPENS (D) HD20 – srispens4mt@gmail.com
ED BUTTREY (R) HD21 – ed@buttrey4montana.com
LELA GRAHAM (D) HD21 – grahamhd21@gmail.com
NICK R. D. HENRY (D) HD22 – relativity98003@yahoo.com
TONY ROSALES (L) HD22 – trrosales@gmail.com
LOLA SHELDON-GALLOWAY (R) HD22 – Lola4Montana@yahoo.com
MELISSA SMITH (D) HD23 – MelissaSmith4HD23@gmail.com
SCOT KERNS (R) HD23 – ElectKerns@gmail.com
BARBARA BESSETTE (D) HD24 – bessette4montana@gmail.com
STEVEN GALLOWAY (R) HD24 – galloway4mt@yahoo.com
STEVE GIST (R) HD25 – Steve.Gist@mtleg.gov
JASMINE KROTKOV (D) HD25 – JasmineKrotkov4MT@gmail.com
GEORGE NIKOLAKAKOS (R) HD26 – george.niko@outlook.com
KARI ROSENLEAF (D) HD26 – rosenleaf4hd26@gmail.com
DANIEL EMRICH (R) SD11 – danielemrichforsenate@gmail.com
TOM JACOBSON (D) SD11 – tomjacobsonmt@gmail.com
JACOB BACHMEIER (D) SD12 – jdbrepresentsme@gmail.com
CASEY SCHREINER (D) SD13 – casey@caseyformontana.com
JEREMY TREBAS (R) SD13 – trebasforsenate@gmail.com
DAVID GRUBICH – DISTRICT COURT JUDGE – judgegrubich@gmail.com
MICHELE R. LEVINE – DISTRICT COURT JUDGE – michelereinhart@gmail.com
RAE GRULKOWSKI (R) CASCADE COUNTY COMMISSION – raeforcascadecounty@3rivers.net
DON RYAN (D) CASCADE COUNTY COMMISSION – senatordonryan@icloud.com
SANDRA MERCHANT (R) – smerchantforcountyclerk@protonmail.com
RINA FONTANA MOORE (D) – moorerinaf@msn.com
Greetings, Cascade County candidates.
In order to help fully inform Great Falls/Cascade County voters about the candidates and issues in the upcoming November election, E-City Beat is requesting a brief profile from each candidate.
We’re asking for you to provide our readers with a little personal bio (job, family, hobbies etc.), why you’re the best candidate for position, and your reasons for running.
We’d like you to also include the top one or two challenges you intend to tackle if you’re elected and how you would address those issues.
You may also include a profile picture (jpg or png) if you like.
Please keep your submission to 500 words or less and send it in MS Word format to ecitybeat@straymoose.com by Friday, August 26th. We will publish your submissions without edits or editorial comment.
Thank you and good luck in the upcoming election.
Philip Faccenda
Editor/Publisher E-City Beat
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