We’ve received several emails and screenshots of some local reaction to President Trumps visit to Great Falls on Thursday.
This first one is particularly relevant because it is Great Falls City Commissioner Mary Moe’s post about some Montana Catholic priests who attended the rally.
Uhmmm, just out of curiosity, how would Mary Moe know that “Jesus wept” because some Montana priests were attending a rally and supporting the President of the United States? Does Moe have some secret connection to the Savior that lets her know when and why He’s weeping? What unmitigated arrogance on her part.
“Uhmmm, just out of curiosity, how would Mary Moe know that ‘Jesus wept’ Because some Montana priests were attending a rally and supporting the President of the United States? Does Moe have some secret connection to the Savior that lets her know when and why he’s weeping? What unmitigated arrogance on her part.”
We also have to wonder what current city commissioner Moe means when she says “…they used to beat boys for back when America was great.” Does Moe have some evidence or knowledge that these priests at the rally are guilty of beating boys in the past? If not then this kind of specific accusation is libelous and may, probably should, result in legal action against Moe. She is a public figure and an elected official accusing these citizens of potential crimes.
Looking further at some of the comments on Commissioner Moe’s post, we also found the following from local Cascade County Democratic Central Committee Chairman, ex con, convicted felon and former cocaine dealer Bill Strizich to be interesting:
“Bill Strizich – Just who are those bozos of the cloth. They should be censored by the Church. It may well be time for the Church to pay taxes.
Bill Strizich – I’m guessing the Pope may not find this image at all amusing. Perhaps these preists (sic) need a reality check with the home office in Rome.”
“Bozo’s of the cloth”?
Just who in the world does Strizich, a disgraced former U.S. Marshall, think he is? It appears that he just can’t wait to find motes in others eyes while the beam in his own goes completely unnoticed by him.
“Just who in the world does Strizich, a disgraced former U.S. Marshall, think he is? It appears that he just can’t wait to find motes in others eyes while the beam in his own goes completely unnoticed by him.”
We believe this is very, very serious. At the very least it is bullying at it’s worse. Moe’s comments are disturbing because she is practicing a form of religious persecution and engaging in a public witch hunt against people of religious convictions who may not agree with her political ideology and who associate with politicians she detests.
Her position as a Great Falls city commissioner is well known and her public comments here are totally inappropriate and uncalled for. She owes the priests and the people of Great Falls and Montana an apology and possibly a resignation from the city commission for her outrageous allegations.
I agree with her
I also agree with her Robbie. I would vote for the President again if the vote were today. But the reality is that President Trump says a lot of things that are inflammatory. It is blatantly hypocritical for anyone to call Moe’s comments embarrassing or outrageous while overlooking President Trump’s own comments, which by the way, I often agree with. But if we are going to criticize our leaders for saying embarrassing or outrageous things, the President is at the top of the list. I strongly disagree with ECB staff and their position on this issue.
Typical liberal crapola! What else do you expect from these local democrats? They don’t care what’s good for Great Falls, Montana or the USA! Just stick with the party & be a butt hurt hater!
These priests are cheering on a man who admitted to sexually abusing women, has separated children from parents and aligns himself with dictators. They are an embarrassment to the Church.
I see that one of the two Bishops who oversee these gentleman has denounced them appearing in their official garb. I agree with the Bishop.
“Jesus wept,” is a bible verse that you don’t need a “ personal connection to our savior” to use, and it was Trump that said “ they used to beat boys”, not Moe, she quoted him. It’s his allegation not hers. I do know that recently the local diocese settled child abuse allegations for a cool twenty million. I don’t know if the rally priests had any involvement but they ride for the brand. Also I don’t take issue with them laughing at Trump, lots of us do.
Are you guys over at ECB really this dumb? Your hipocracy is unbearable. Too much of a coward to even put your name on the article or admit your source.
You are absolute trash human beings.
I don’t know about “trash human beings,” but the article does strike me as weak sauce and blatantly hypocritical as well. Makes me embarrassed to be labeled a conservative.
Wow. Just wow. The ugly hate that is spewing forth from this EZine recently is disturbing. The Commissioner is right to be concerned, as should the diocese as the Catholic Church has publicly decried many of Trump’s recent actions.
One less reader you for I guess. I’m pretty sure you celebrate that sort of thing though.
This article proves that E-city beat does cover it all. I did not see a haters rally on comments about President Trump’s visit. But this one brought them out by the droves. To go along with the mote and beam analogy, we find another Biblical prophecy from Isaiah: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!:” (Isaiah 5:20 KJV) Maybe it’s just me, but I think others see that the more we have a President, who, as the Chief Executive, enforces current existing law that previous Presidents did not, it is called evil.
I don’t know about “trash human beings,” but the article does strike me as weak sauce and blatantly hypocritical as well. Makes me embarrassed to be labeled a conservative.
Still no comment from these ECB “journalists.” Absolute hack jobs. Just using this platform to attack the people that (1) beat them in elections and (2) didn’t select them for contracts.
Shame. Absolutely disgraceful.
LOL. I think some of you folks commenting here should call the cops and report the guy who is holding the gun to your head and forcing you to read this blog. 🙂
Holy shit!! The Cascade County Democratic chair is a former cocaine dealer and a felon? Maybe Moe should focus internally and rail against that slimeball. Unless her moral compass only points away from the left.
Well, if we want better politicians here in Great Falls, we need to see the whole picture. Yes Trump says Inflammatory stuff, but It’s (mostly) True statements. Moe can say what ever she wants as well. That’s called the 1st Amendment! Now, if we want better politicians and more conservatives, quit putting 5 Republicans VS ONE BLOODY DEMOCRAT on the frigging ballot!!! Can’t you guys see what the DNC of GTF has done? They run one D on the ballot that gets all the D votes, and the Dip Sh^*s running the RNC here put 4 or 5 on the ballot, so the votes from R’s are hopelessly split, so D wins EVERY TIME! Come on Great Falls Republican Commission, get your heads out of your behinds and play to win! The R leadership here in GTF is sad at best!!And kudos to the D’s for figuring out a legal way to cheat.
I believe before a “Democrat and Catholic” (there’s an oxymoron for you) begins to lecture about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith, she should consider the platform she has signed her name to. The Democrat party supports abortion on demand as a plank of the party, whereas the Catholic Church holds that life is sacred. Anyone who supports the slaughter of unborn children (3,000 died by abortion today) ought to get off her high horse, abandon the hypocrisy and stop holding up her Catholic card.
I just want to know how much this little revenge excursion cost us taxpayers…
Both Mary Moe & Tracy Houck are members of Great Falls Rising, a local “Progressive” group with ties to the Democratic Socialusts of America (DSA), along with Helena DSA, Western MT DSA, Glacier DSA, Bozeman DSA & Billibgs DSA.
Their agenda is simple–they want the United States to be a socialist nation.
It should give folks pause that a convicted felon is chair of the Cascade County Democrats. I hope the Feds aren’t paying him retirement for his time as Fedreal Marshall on the taxpayers dime.