E-City Beat emailed local Montana legislative candidates who are in primaries requesting responses to three questions, which you’ll see below. Ballots for the primary are due June 2nd.
Today we are publishing responses from GOP candidates for HD 21, Ed Buttrey and Sally Tucker.

Ed Buttrey
Why are you running for the office?
I first ran for office because of my love for Montana, but also to ensure that our State remained the best place for my children to live, work and prosper. I believe that through hard work, dedication and passion, our Legislature can make Montana even better. With effective leadership, we can weather any storm, pandemic, recession, or whatever stands in our way. I simply want to be part of the solution.
Why are you running as a Republican?
I am a lifelong Republican that believes that Government should exist to support our citizens, to support but not compete with our private sector businesses, and to help those that are truly in need. Government should be efficient, should be affordable and should never forget who it represents. With good conservative leadership, we can ensure that government is effective, responsible, and responsive to our citizens.
What makes you the best candidate in the race?
I have been blessed to represent the great people of House District 21 as Senator and more recently as their Representative. I truly believe that no one individual has all the answers, but that through hard work, and listening to others we can bring solutions forward for the benefit of all Montanans. I am willing to hear all viewpoints, to listen to those affected by legislation, and to fight hard to get good policy across the finish line. This is what I believe makes me the best candidate to represent our district. I am proud to work for the people of HD21 and hope that I will have the opportunity to continue to represent them for another term in Helena.

Sally Tucker
I am Sally Tucker. With a passion for Truth, justice and the US Constitution, I seek to represent HD21 (roughly Black Eagle and eastern side of Riverview), intent on being a voice for hard-working people and businesses which employ them. Citizens have a right to accountable, responsive government, to secure our God-given rights and allow us to prosper in peace.
A Montana native and GFHS graduate,I ran for GF City Commission in 2003; served as Cascade County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) Chair; and am currently HD21 Precinct Committeewoman.
Primaries are often dismissed as unimportant, however, this June 2 Republican Primary is critical. It’s our chance to reclaim our Party principles from those who only pay lip service to our Constitution and Platform of life, low taxes, and limited government.
Our current Representative has supported gas and property tax hikes (while working to pass tax breaks for himself); brokered the disastrous CSKT Water Compact in backroom deals; and brokered permanent Medicaid Expansion in 2019 (in clear defiance of voters’ wishes) – and which a federal Medicaid audit has found rife with fraud, leaving Montana taxpayers on the hook for millions in federal reimbursements for ineligible recipients.
Our State was on track to slow-motion train-wreck, when Governor Bullock helpfully crashed the economic engine and stood by as cars derailed.
In these trying times, with government violations of our rights rampant, the need for citizen-engaged, accountable government is critical. The US Constitution is more relevant than ever, and must be diligently protected . Our Bill of Rights is not negotiable; it cannot be legislated away or traded for illusions of safety.
I treasure Montana hearts. As a Constitutional conservative, I will fight to preserve life and family rights; work for tax and regulation rollbacks; scrutinize broken agencies to restore justice under Constitutional Law. I will work to limit the scope of government in our lives and pass on cost savings to taxpayers.
Sensible citizens understand our State budget cannot balance without thriving, diverse economies. I will fight to reopen our Treasure State to wise use of our abundant resources; tapping our traditional sources of prosperity – water, timber, agriculture, oil, gas and minerals – is essential. A thriving resource industry is not only key to healthy communities and balanced budgets, at every level, but also to protecting and managing healthy public lands and abundant wildlife.
As a USAF recruit, I swore an oath to uphold and defend our US Constitution. That oath has no expiration date. I take that oath seriously; it is not compatible with leftist/socialist policies. That oath is to the US Constitution of We the People, not to any government entity.
As a disabled veteran with uncompromising principles, I seek to serve and represent the People of HD21 with honesty and integrity, so their concerns, win-win solutions, and visions can be heard in our Legislature.
Ultimately, our Constitution is the solution to the challenges facing our State. I will zealously protect and defend it, for our greatest resource of all: the People.
Interesting that E-City Beat cut off the last two paragraphs of my submission.
Thought the word limit was 500?
For anyone interested, here is my conclusion:
“As a disabled veteran with uncompromising principles, I seek to serve and represent the People of HD21 with honesty and integrity, so their concerns, win-win solutions, and visions can be heard in our Legislature.
Ultimately, our Constitution is the solution to the challenges facing our State. I will zealously protect and defend it, for our greatest resource of all: the People.”
Thanks, E-City Beat for the opportunity.
Ms. Tucker, the omission of the last two paragraphs in your response was unintentional and has been corrected. We apologize for the error.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate the correction. Will edit my repost.
Thank you for your integrity!