_______________________________________________________________________ A piece in E-City Beat last week got me thinking about our local teachers. Most of our Great Falls teachers are really good, honest, hard-working folks who just want to make a difference in the lives of kids and our community. Unfortunately sometimes our teachers don’t get enough thanks for what they do for…
Great Falls Veterans Stand Down To Honor Gold Star Families
_______________________________________________________________________ Here is the press release from Vets 4 Vets Stand Down for their upcoming event. E-City Beat supports our vets and Gold Star Families. For Immediate Release: Our VETS4VETS Group in Great Falls, Montana will be holding our Stand Down on September 5th and 6th. Location for this event will be at the Great…
Taxpayer Sensitivity Training For GFPS Teachers?
_______________________________________________________________________ Yesterday a concerned reader sent E-City Beat some screenshots of an exchange on Facebook involving a teacher in the Great Falls Public Schools District who uses the FB handle of Tricia Henneberg which clearly says she is an employee of GFPS. Henneberg is Tricia Loucks, listed in the District directory as a Special Ed…
Swimming Pool Closures
_______________________________________________________________________ E-City Beat received the following hand written letter yesterday which has been edited for clarity. Kids high and dry “The Care of Human Life and Happiness, and not their destruction is the only legitimate object of good government.” — Thomas Jefferson. Our Great Falls neighborhood swimming pools, Jaycee and Water Tower, were closed for…
2nd Amendment Support Strong In Great Falls
Thursday morning, August 15th was when I first learned about a gun control rally scheduled for Saturday, August 17th in Great Falls at the band shell in Gibson Park, starting at 3:00 PM. The rally was sponsored by ‘Moms Demand Action’ and was in conjunction with other rallies nationwide. The first thing that concerned me…
2019 State Fair Numbers Are In
According to a press release from Kim Lander at Montana Expo Park concerning the state fair, “…was a strong year with revenues in excess of $1,670,000.” Here’s a recap from the press release: “The Food Concessionaires grossed $725,788 a slight dip of 1.09% from 2018. The Food Concessionaires busiest day was the first Saturday of…
Great Falls Code Of Ethics – Relevant?
_______________________________________________________________________ Have you ever read ‘Chapter 21 – CODE OF ETHICS’ in the City of Great Falls municipal code? If not, maybe it’s time to take a look at it. Here are a few examples of what you’ll find there: 2.21.020 – Findings. The City Commission of the City of Great Falls finds and declares…
Tryon Well Ahead In Campaign Donations
_______________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, August 6th was the deadline for Great Falls city commission candidates to file their campaign donation and expenditure reports, C-5’s, with the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices. The reports cover the first reporting period through August 1st. So far, Rick Tryon has far outpaced the other candidates in total money raised and in…
Are We Sure There’s No Danger For The Great Falls Public?
_______________________________________________________________________ I found it interesting that the day after I wrote a piece about transients camping out at our Great Falls Public Library and in our public parks I noticed this piece in the Billings Gazette: “Billings police investigating downtown stabbing at library” From the article: “Billings Public Library Director Gavin Woltjer said he isn’t…
We Can Be Compassionate Without Being Naive
_______________________________________________________________________ Within the past 10 days in Great Falls: The Cascade County Sheriffs Department busted a human trafficking/prostitution operation here. A Great Falls woman was arrested for selling meth and heroin on multiple occasions to undercover cops. I went to the Great Falls Public Library on a Friday afternoon and encountered several people camped out…