_______________________________________________________________________ A couple of weeks ago I posted the following question on my public Facebook page: What does, or what would, make Great Falls unique in terms of being a destination hot spot for tourism, business, and new residents? There are currently 389 responses. Here I am continuing this regular series of blog posts on…
GF Mayor And Commissioners Continue Ducking And Dodging
_______________________________________________________________________ The recent behavior of Great Falls mayor Bob Kelly and the other commissioners on our city commission is unacceptable and should be alarming to every citizen in our community. Here is a brief recap: Commissioners Robinson & Moe have been conducting secret meetings with the Maclean Animal Adoption Center to negotiate a partnership with…
There Goes The Neighborhood, Great Falls?
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: the following is an article we received today from a Great Falls resident who for obvious reasons has asked to remain anonymous. Thirty years ago when I bought my home and was head of the youngest family on our block, the old-timers living nearby imagined, and some so-stated, “There goes the neighborhood!”…
Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly Declines To Endorse Tracy Houck
Recently, I asked Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly if he intended to endorse Tracy Houck in the 2019 City election, just as he did in 2015. Yesterday, I emailed him this: On Jun 4, 2019, at 4:23 PM, Phil Faccenda <philipfaccenda@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Mayor Kelly, In an E-City Beat post on May 24th I asked…
A Tale Of Two City Commissions
We all know how Bob Kelly’s City Commission is conducting itself in dealing with the Maclean Animal Adoption Center. But how did the City tackle this issue under its previous mayor, Michael Winters? Winters jumped onto the E-City beat comments to tell everyone just that, and he did not mince words: Michael J Winters June…
How Much ‘Moe’ Cash Will Shady Deal Cost Great Falls?
_______________________________________________________________________ The developments with the potential city/Maclean Animal Center are quite disturbing to me. Yes, legally two commissioner can apparently meet with members of groups, including the Maclean. They claim these meetings are not secret because Commission Robinson mentioned investigating a city partnership with the Maclean as a commission initiative back in February. Mayor Kelly…
Great Falls City Commissioners Draft A Secret Joint Mission Statement With Maclean Animal Adoption?
_______________________________________________________________________ Below is information provided by Great Falls resident Pam Hendrickson which is making the rounds on Facebook. I was asked to post the piece on my public Facebook page and did so yesterday. Every concerned citizen in Great Falls needs to read this and understand what is going on with our city commission. This…
Great Ideas From Current And Former Great Falls Citizens
_______________________________________________________________________ Recently I posted the following question on my public Facebook page: What does, or what would, make Great Falls unique in terms of being a destination hot spot for tourism, business, and new residents? Not surprisingly so far I have received 376 comments and ideas coming from a wide variety of Great Fallsians. Or…
Fun For Teens In Great Falls
_______________________________________________________________________ Recently, I wrote about hosting a series of events this summer for our teens. Well, the first date has been set! I am working with Kevin Bray and The Alumni to host an All Ages Night! The Event will definitely be happening on June 9th to celebrate the start of summer. For $10, all…
Will Bob Kelly Endorse Tracy Houck In 2019?
Dear Mayor Kelly: In the 2015 City election, you offered your full-throated endorsement for then candidate Tracy Houck to the Great Falls City Commission….. (You wrote this on your campaign Facebook page on October 13, 2015.) In the same election, Houck was found guilty by the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, Jonathan Motl (a Bullock…